
Do you find it difficult to pray the 5 prayers? what 's your advice to some one don't pray??

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please answer both questions




  1. get your imaan right and it will be easy tp pray.

  2. Question 1. Yes, i do find it difficult because i watch television a lot, so its hard to stop watching a "NEW" episode. Also, i pray right, so it takes more time but at the end its all worth it.

    Question 2. LIke 4 days ago, i was exactly like you. I didn't pray right. Then i started and it was the best thing that could happen. Allah rewards you. Heres a example, school is starting and i need a tote. So, i went to a store (this day is when i didn't pray right) and i didn't find it. I was mad because it said it was on sale in the papers. Then I went to the same store yesterday (when i was praying right) and guess what, I FOUND IT!! You see what happens when you pray right. And also, when i did pray right, my life got to much better. I don't get in trouble a lot, I got new shoes for school when it took me so long to find it. So you be the judge.

  3. When u have the tawfeeq (ability) from Allah no act remains diff but at first it might seem so but once u get the capability it becomes a routine & habbit u can't leave it or u feel misreable.

    My advice is: we have sooooo much time for our own worldly things everyday can we not spear some time for Allah who has given us all these lovely things we enjoy in life.

    when u don't pary u don't no wat bounties ur missing in life.

  4. NO i dont find it difficult. It just takes 30 minutes only 30 minutes. We can do other works for a long time but can we not just pray for 30 minutes only for our creater. Who created us. It is very important for us to pray.

    Those who dont pray. If they dont so they should from today. Every Mulsim said the kalma: There is no God except Allah and Prophet Mohammad pbuh is his messenger.

    So when you said the kalma you are entered in the Islam and now it is your responsiblity to follow that religion. Allah gave first order to muslims to pray him. This is first order. Those who dont pray they are not muslims. Now you realize yourself that what you are doing. HOw much time it takes just a few minutes. So pray to Allah. You are offending Allah. Dont you care for him. He loves you 70 times more than you mother. Now you realize. When a person loves you so you try to avoid to do any thing which he dont like. So you think about Allah. He loves 70 times more than your mother. So now it is your responsibily to take care of your prayers. This is so easy and it just take a few minutes.

    May Allah keeps us on the right path ameen.

    Hope answer to the question.

  5. No its not difficult.

    Just learn how to memorize; its not that much.

  6. sometimes yes cuz of college and studying, at when my day is over it gets hard to make up for them all. but there is no excuse.  for someone who dosent pray at all i have read in islamic books that not praying makes  a person an unbeliever because thats what makes us muslim to and its part of the 5 pillars in islam.   when judgment comes allah will look at our salahs first and if he is not satisfied then you go straight to h**l. if he is satisfied with your salahs then he will judge your deeds  

  7. No, it's not difficult, since prayer is an intensely personal act.

    Setting out guidelines for prayers is wonderful, and those that works for are lucky, but the same cookie-cutter mode of prayer doesn't satisfy everyone's spiritual needs.

    However, people who just say words someone else gave them at prescribed times if it doesn't truly resonate for them are only paying lip service.

    If someone asks you "how to pray", share your modus operandi with them, but if they don't, assume they have found the manner of thanksgiving that works for them, because if it does, it is equally as valid.

  8. Well if your a busy person, it sometimes can be. but something that might help is that everytime your thinking about how difficult 5 prayers is remember that it used to have to be 50 so say alhamdullilah allah gave us such a good amount.

    For your second advice i say you should get a kinda watch that has the alarm or beep(just pray it's not too expensive lol) so you'll remember and i don't mean to scare you but yesterday(don't feel bad i got scared too) my dad told me that every salah you miss your name gets writen on the doors of jahanam.

    Hope these answeres help.


  9. Religion I say should never be a burden...It is however important for one to strike a balance! I sometimes find it difficult to catch up on my daily prayers, because of work, study etc.

    But I also no that there is no excuse!

    My advice to someone who doesnt pray, is not to scare them "shitless" by saying you will go to h**l. One must not do an act because one fears the outcome. It isnt truly religious to pray because you fears to be punished! I can not Judge!  And I dont think anyone else has the right to judge! Allah, will indeed look at whether you made your salaahs, on Judgement day. But that is not all he will be looking at! What is the point of making Salaah every day, if your heart is not pure! That is hypocritical!

    Allah will take all things into account...He is a fair God!

    But it is not our place to presuppose what Allah will or wont do! It is not our Place!!

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