
Do you find it difficult to remain faithful?

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Do you find it difficult to remain faithful?




  1. no i never have, no one can deny temptation does not cross your mind but whether you act on it makes the difference. live the fantasy out in your head if it helps  but i have many friends who do cheat and purely becuase they are scared of getting to close too somebody so cheating keeps them at arms length.

  2. No, as long you're in love it will be so easy to remain faithful.

  3. No im in love so its no hard at all :P

  4. if i chose a monogamous/committed lifestyle it would be easy for me to be faithful.

    mainly because there is no practical or efficient reason for me to do otherwise.

    plus if i wanted to be with someone else it is better to be honest and split up , than to lie and hide it.

  5. no,because just the fact tht you love some1,THT should be enough to stay faithful to that person.

    if you feel like you want another man/woman...break up with the one you are with.

  6. yes, when Im not in a happy relationship which is getting worst and not any better, if the opportunity presents and I feel good with that other person I would be human and probably cheat, specially if im angry and feel that my partner does not appreciate me and understand me but its in denial to fix things between us, ofcourse later on breaking up.

    no, I wouldnt cheat if my partner makes me happy and I make him happy and we are both very greatful and appreciate mutual feelings and understanding each other, that would be the only reason that I wouldnt have any motives to cheat.

  7. No. I think cheaters are the lowest form of scum and I'd never become one. I find it hard sometimes to stay with my boyfriend because he can be a huge jerk (but he can also be very , very sweet) ..but even when Im enraged at him, cheating on him never crosses my mind. I'd break up with him before I'd cheat on him

  8. nope. i always remain faithful. sometimes i forget my duties, but i never lose faith. of course, i like to listen to others with an open mind, but my beliefs never shake.

  9. nope, been with my hubby for 13 years now and the thought of straying has never entered my head

  10. nope  

  11. The temptation is always there.

    But, I think it's not just a matter of love that's important; it's the principal.  

    When you make a commitment to another person part of that commitment is to remain faithful to one another through the good and the bad whilst you are together.

    There is nothing more hurtful you can do to a loved one than give that part of you that should only be kept for the one you love.

    I think that is what keeps me faithful even through the bad patches.

  12. No cause I have a good husband, a good s*x life, and everything is fine, I have no reason to cheat. I wouldn't hurt him like that.  

  13. I find it difficult to remain faithless.

  14. Well if you love someone then your going to be faithful but if your not faithful then your gonna keep cheating then running back but make sure the person you love is the one for you

  15. In the past I have ... right now its not an issue .... ;-)

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