
Do you find it funny that 150 plus people died yesterday in a plane crash, yet we are all worried about a man?

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who has already served his time for a crime. Im not defending the Glitter man, but arent there slightly more immportant things to worry about in this world?




  1. Its called a witch hunt laid by the gutter media and lapped up by some gullible punters.

  2. I don't find it at all hasn't made me laugh at all(!)

    Seriously, I agree with you.  Why IS Glitter being given all this publicity?  He must be loving it

  3. I would never find that anywhere in the realm as Funny. I am a mother and there were probably children on board so shut up!

  4. I agree with Ivor... your choice of words sickened me when I first read the question..then I read on.

    Faith said exactly what I said to my husband, I'm sorry people lost their lives on that plane, but I wished he had been on it.

    Why the h**l is he in FIRST CLASS, and he was in a VIP lounge at the airport. He should still be locked up.

  5. The safety of our children is the most important thing as far as any parent is concerned, of all people I would have thought that would be your top priority. However I do agree it was very tragic and my hearts go out to all who have died in such a horrible way and their families. I followed the incident the entire day and this morning as well, just because there weren't many questions on here doesn't mean people weren't thinking about it. It wasn't so long ago that the story of a little girl over rode everything and I mean absolutely everything.  

  6. Very true indeed.

    Leave him alone and worry about where and how your next meal will come from.

    Pleave in the plane disaster have lost lives and thats a worry for theior loved ones

  7. What I find funny, is when another man makes a feeble attempt to  defend Gary Glitter. Mmmm  alarm bells ringing!!!

    I doubt you've given a thought for the little girls he abused. Have THEY served their time???

  8. There hasn't been much said on here about the plane crash, but what is there to be said at this early stage apart from offering condolence and speaking of shock? With the Glitter case there are more obvious questions and points of discussion, which there aren't yet  with the crash until more details of the possible cause etc come through. Glitter pales in comparison against the tragedy of yesterday.

  9. not funny at all

  10. As Ivor says you may want to rephrase the question,odd would be more appropriate than funny.

    As for the question,you spent month after month obsessing on one case of a missing child when hundreds go missing every year.How are you any different?

  11. For those comments about the Madrid plane crash, we are all in mourning here in Spain. Why talk of that and Glitter. Why not just say how awful the loss of life was and talk of Glitter on another question.

  12. Yes, I quite agree with you - and that's a novelty for a start. It IS funny (AS IN ODD OR STRANGE for those whose first language isn't English) that more credence is given to the glitter man rather than this horrific disaster in Spain. We've had several 'experts' talk in the press and on radio and TV about the air crash, yet FAR more has been said about the paedo who has, like it or not, served his time, but due to the nature of his offence, will never be able to live in peace. Neither, unfortunately, will those who lost their lives or relatives or who were injured in the air disaster.

  13. Just said about as much on Shambo's q.

    He is getting way too much publicity.

  14. Funny?

    You could have phrased this one better David.

    People are at liberty to discuss all news stories in any order they so wish .  People can only talk about a subject for so long before another one comes into their mind.

  15. it depends on how much ur relation is to the beloved persons that passed away..

  16. I can see your point, but equally its important to protect children from people like Glitter. I can see why no country wants to let him in. I know he has served his time, but I'm not sure paedophiles can stop themselves from doing it again.

  17. The point is dave s, that those 150 poor souls are no more. The scum that is GG, however, is alive & well & could prey on more defenceless children...thats the reason by people are worried about him...i do wish he could have been on that flight.

  18. Lol I'm not having a go man, but I think you need to re-think your choice of words... I know you didn't mean it like that but I quickly glanced at your question and all I saw was 'Do you find it funny that 150 plus people died yesterday in a plane crash'.... I was like..... W T F?!?!? lol

  19. 150 people dying isn't funny.

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