
Do you find it hard to understand how some people AREN'T fascinated with the solar system?

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Man, I do.. lol




  1. Yeah mate tell me about it!! I mean I think of this alot really, even when you try to tell someone about something facinating happening in space and they just go "really?" and then change the subject! Arghhhh wish people don't just take things for granted!

  2. I do too. I find it hard to understand how people aren't fascinated in science, but then again my user-name is "cool science nerd" so I have a bit of a bias. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no wonder how strange it may seem. For example, I hate the Jonas Brothers Band... and everyone thinks I'm crazy, so I'm not one to stand in judgment of others.

  3. lol If I think about me, then I think about the whole country, then the continent, then the planet Earth, then the galaxy and the universe and everything being so huge and vast, I feel small. It's not a nice feeling lol

  4. I find it hard to understand anyone, especially after a mini marshmallow overdose. Oops.

  5. There two objects VERY interesting in the Solar System:

    Earth of course,

    and the Sun.

    It baffles me that the Sun should be so complicated.


  6. i feel the same way, but honestly

    you have nothing really to talk about

    because scientists and astronauts

    have little evidence, info, and proof

    to say as much as, we have 8 planets

    but i feel ya man

  7. Not just the solar system, my friend, but the whole Universe. Just looking at those Hubble pictures makes me go wow! I mentioned  them to someone once, and they just remarked "ah, astronomy". It doesn't even have to do anything with astronomy, all you have to do is just appreciate the scale, the complexity and the beauty of space.

    Sadly, for some people their whole world revolves around their local pub and football.  

  8. These two chaps have no idea of Space - I cannot comprehend that two professionals have no idea what a black hole is.

    Apologies if it's not relevant - just something people should watch. Why? It's a wake up call - the education system is failing pupils.

    I want to be interested in space, but I don't think I have the intellect needed to get beyond the basics. I enjoy looking at the pictures - does that make me stupid?

  9. my friend hates space

  10. About as hard as realizing some folks don't give a hoot in h**l about rat droppings.

  11. They're far too busy chasing after the next $ or £. Buying a bigger TV, a bigger car, a bigger house. Watching celebrities, eating junk food, getting drunk.

    The vast majority of people are cretins with not a jot of imagination or intelligence.

  12. No

  13. No.

    But when i have my telescope set up in the driveway, passers by nearly always ask what i'm doing.  They're nearly always impressed by what they see in it, even if it's the Moon or Jupiter.  I'm starting to think that my favorite part of astronomy is outreach.  This is kind of odd, as i could never get myself to like evangelism in church.  It's the same thing.

  14. I've lost interest since they were so mean to poor old Pluto.

    EDIT: if I might presume to make a suggestion - could the people waxing lyrical about 'stars' (plural) and 'the universe' please reacquaint themselves with the term 'solar system'? We're talking about one star - our sun - and the planetary bodies in orbit around it.

  15. Yes i do because there is so much out there that we can only imagine and to me it's fascinating. What other species are out there, what do they look like and there could even be other humans with technology like in star wars, that would be savage. Also beyond just our solar system you have to think of other dimensions because of the whole idea, the road not taken or if you dont know what that means, it's the choices each of us didnt make in our lives. the possibilities are endless.

    It's mind boggling to think that the universe is endless and that there are more stars out there than there are grains of sand on the earth and that is a fact. Everything about space, aliens, other dimensions and time-travel is very interesting to me. We have to look beyond ourselves and our tiny planet because there is so much more out there and it's is ignorent of us humans to think we are alone in the universe because you mean to tell me that intelligence hits the top level with us, ha i dont think so.There is a lot of unknown and so much waiting to be explored.I hope that we have contact with aliens within my lifetime and im 21 because just imagine if they were friendly what they could teach us and the cures and technology they might have. It would really change our world.

  16. I do. I really do.

  17. Actually, I couldn't believe someone in my class didn't even understand what I was talking about when I brought up Ganymede or a Stellar Nursery. I love astronomy, it's an amazing subject and one I cannot wait for in the future.

  18. I do, I mean looking up at the stars just means you feel so little. It just gives you the reason to say "Wow" over and over again.  

  19. h**l, yes. I can't understand why people aren't more interested in cosmology generally. It's about the only thing is the world that gets me excited (other than George Clooney, of course).

    Space ROCKS!

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