
Do you find it hard to work outside the home???

by  |  earlier

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Is there anyone else who finds it difficult to work outside the home because of children with issues, mine have OCD and ADD? What has helped you, or what has been your decision for your family?




  1. On the contrary. It is much harder to work at home with kids who have issues.

  2. The answer to your question is yes I do find it hard at the thought of working outside the home, I've had 4 kids, 2 partners, one divorced, the other died in a motor bike crash and I watched him dying for 13 hours, I now suffer from PTSD. I'm terrified of finding work outside the home, I don't think unless you have had one of these above mentioned disorders do you even begin to realise how difficult it is to find the courage let alone the strength or confidence to put yourself out there so to speak. Plz msg me if you wish to chat, goodluck :) I'm still working on my problem though that's the good thing:)

  3. Any illness with you or someone in the family can put a stress on work.

    Solution - take a lesser stressed position; go part-time or don't work.  I know - these days this is hard to do

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