
Do you find it ironic, the party that demands racial equality....?

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is happy to be sexist?

The attacks on Sarah Palin's minor children are disgusting. But Biden's disregard of her as a candidate is very telling.

In a recent interview when asked about the rival for the VP spot and what their differences were, he remarked, "She's good looking"

After the dems humiliated and degraded Hillary, is it any surprise that Biden sees women as just an "office accessory"? And is that level of sexism what we want in this country?




  1. It's like irony on steroids!

    How many people have considered the fact that the one person who could win the Presidentialal election in a landslide is Condaleezza Rice?  Pit Condi against Obama and it's no contest.  Condi would take the empty suit, rip it into rags, and mop the floor with it.

    Republicans sexist?  Look at Bush's cabinet.  More women than anytime in history, and Condi is the shining star of the administration.

    Regrettably, Condi refuses to run.  But if the upper echelon of the Republican party thought they could sway her, even the most stiff-collared, important, Brioni-clad of the "movers and the shakers" would fall to his knees on the bare pavement and beg Condi to run.  She could literally be the salvation of the Republican party.  The Republicans would do anything she demanded if only she would run.

    Quite a different treatment than Hillary received, eh?

  2. agree

  3. When you look up the word Hypocrite in the dictionary you will see a picture of a Democrat next to it!

  4. Hypocrites who hate women=DNC

  5. Its the sos democratic double standard again.

    Maybe Catholics everywhere should ask themselves:  "What is the difference between Joe Biden and I?"  Well, since he's pro-choice, he's not Catholic-is the correct answer.

  6. and this surprisies you how????

  7. 1.) it is media and both right & left-winged nuts who are attacking her children.  us true dems are fine with Pailin and McCain's choice to have her on the ticket because we know we're going to win anyways.  

    2.) Biden said the same thing about Obama & his looks.

    It's McCain's poor choice that is a disgrace.  Not because of Palin, but because it is obvious that he only picked her to get Hillary voters (ok, and to shake things up a bit) and not about her ability to govern.  That just show's how little he thinks of her and the position he's asking her to take.

  8. Ms Manners:

    You cannot justify Sarah Palin in any, way shape or form. I think that the reason that people jump on the child is because the Republicans call them the family values party but then the Republicans, including yourself, are hypocritical because what you really mean is that you don't want a black man for president and even a woman who is as green as the state she represents is better.  My thoughts are how can you justify the Bush years and ask us to accept more of the same.  Not only have those years ruined our economy, Bush has but us into a deficit larger than all the other presidents put together.

    As for McCain, the man is a snake in the grass and if you don't know the story of his first wife, Carol, you ought to look it up before you glorify him.

    The problem with the Republican party is not that it doesn't  get it, it's that you just can't sell it.  Oh by the way, the State of Nevada just went Democratic and I've been seeing so many Republicans for Obama stickers lately.

    Oh, by the way, wasn't it the republicans who called Hillary a witch that starts with a B?  All the sudden you're defending her?

  9. Affermative Action IS NOT racial equality either!, tis but a racist/sexist wedge.

  10. The dems are not happy to be sexist and you know it.  Cut it out.  

  11. yeah, well that's only because no one really knows who this lady is, but the men all remember her good looks.

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