
Do you find it laughable when someone says Sarah Palin doesn't have any experience?

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Someone said this to me today and that McCain's campaign is dead ever since he picked Sarah Palin because she has no experience. I almost burst out laughing on that remark because to me she has more experience then Obama and he is running for president. So what do you think?




  1. Sarah Palin's experience = (Barrack's experience)^9

    Ya, She is that good

  2. I'm laughing too!

    It's hysterical.

    She's been a major, a governor, a mother of 5, and MANY more things.

    What an ignorant comment for someone to make!

    Sarah is fantastic

  3. I are the only one laughing  

  4. I think a lot of people agree with you, considering the Rasmussen poll that just came out.  While it shows that people think Obama is more qualified to be President, he has only a very slight lead over Palin.  And, the poll was taken before her convention speech.  That doesn't bode well for Obama at all.

    It was actually a brilliant move for McCain to pick a fresh face for his VP.  Every time people argue over whether Palin or Obama has the better experience, it points out that's there's really no comparison between Obama and McCain's.

    I think Palin is very impressive.  She's accomplished a LOT during her fairly short time in the governor's office.  You can learn a lot about her by using the special section of links on  It has links to the Anchorage newspaper and TV stations as well as a link to her biography.

  5. Umm, Palin and Obama are BOTH inexperienced.  It's not an either/or thing.  Disliking Palin does not entail liking Obama.  Many of us realize that they both kinda suck.

  6. How can a person who runs a Popsciles Stand above the Tundra Line be qualified at anything below the Tundra Line? Her state has only 600,000. the south side of Chicago(2 million +) has more people than the entire state. she's completely unqualified for national office. The selection of her by McSame indicates that he doesn't really care about our country. This callous and cynical play at gender politics makes him unqualified, too.

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