
Do you find it shocking how many questions are about JOnas Brothers and Miley on YA?

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it absolutely blows my mind!! MORE THAN HALF OF THE QUESTIONS ARE ABOUT THEM...




  1. Yeah,it's been CRAZY!!!

  2. The fans love us, we like to look pretty and we ooze a lack of talent!

  3. Not really.. nowadays, Disney Stars are the BIG THING.. and half the questions you can just google for the answers!!

    And the Jonas Brothers make me sick. If I have to look at them or even their name i'll throw up!! I HATE THEM!!!


    Ps. I hope you don't LIKE the JB.. OOPS!! hehehee.. xx

  4. yea.some of the questions are good though.some are boring and pointless.but some are very interesting

  5. there cool

  6. They are extremely popular with the teeny boppers and half of the population under Celebrity category is filled with teeny boppers. So, to answer your question, I am not surprised at all.  

  7. i dont know i was just bored and Just wondering cause alot of people i know think that miley is a reallly reallly great singer and i kinda disagree. so i made a yahoo question about it hehehe

  8. it's really gross. it makes me mad they're going to be the downfall of the united states.

  9. h**l NO!!! its been like this for months!!! and months to come i think!

    LOLS. just get used to it

  10. Oh yeah, it's so stupid. I mean why do they even care about them. In a few years they're going to become fat and ugly. It's so stupid since some stupid teenager messaged me about "how I dissed her boys" So stupid but you have to get use to it. And Miley.... she's so annoying. I can't stand Hannah Montana lovers. Just pray with me that this would end soon.



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