
Do you find it weird that Professor Ungku Aziz stated that only Malay language can unite Malaysian?

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To Adi those countries are different their are develop,they hace a strong goverment we have weak goverment,we should be country that provide service like India and Singapore. That is why India is third largest IT manufacture in the world.




  1. currently nothing is weird...

  2. the man himself is a mat salleh celup right? Uncle also divorced at an old age. Did he buy his cert...

  3. that sound funny when i was in school during the 80s , the Malay , Indian and Chinese do talk in English outside the classroom ...........

  4. how he got the Prof title..if malaysians could be united under malay language..then after 50 yrs ...why is it more hancur than sand?1?1?

  5. I bet he made the statement in English.

    Edit: Really? That's worse, a royal professor speaking in broken Malay. He should stick to English. Queen's English I mean, not Manglish.

    BTW, what he said may be true, but it is not holistic one. Common language is only one of the factors. The real factor the common national identity and nationalism as Malaysian. Thus, neither Malay nor English will necessarily help to foster unity but of course failure to communicate in common speech will make unity almost imposible.

    Getting A1 in BM doesn't mean you a good in communicating in BM, the same case for English subject. You know that the Malaysian exam system is c**p.

    BTW, I don't think any developed country in the world become developed because they are good in English. Look at non-English speaking developed countries like France, Japan, Germany, Korea and many other European countries are still not known to be good in English. Even the French still generally hate to speak in English. Why re they developed and united? Nationalism, not English.

    Don't compare with the UK, USA, Australia or other countries that have English as their language since their countries were first created. I bet if USA were initially a Spanish colony instead of British, they'll be speaking Spanish now.

  6. i was thinking of the same thing the opther day... he is very true.. even if indian and chinese talk... we talk in malay( for those who is not good in english) ...i find it 100% true..

  7. haha.. another controversial question.. i think we should  follow what have been done by our neighbouring country..example Indonesia " Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Indonesia" policy.. so right now all of them are speaking Indonesian regardless of their different race.


    a language can unite people? dude cmon!! unity comes from the heart... if u want unity .. create peace and teach younger generation about love NOT hatred towards others and hatred tiwards politicians....

  9. in a way may be that language could unite certain people, but definitely not Malaysia !

    If yes, then why PAS n UMNO [ they all spoke the same Bahasa Malaysia ] still fighting til today ? Why MCA/Gerakan n DAP [ most of them spoke chinese, mandarin, cantonese/hokkien etc ] still very much wanted to 'kill' each others ?

    Unity know no boundary or language ! As long as there are common interest/goal, people would surely be united ! Let say some one is fighting in the Olympic's final for that elusive gold metal, i am very sure all of Malaysia would support he/she regardless of he/she is a Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban ... whatever !

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