
Do you find online dating decreases your social skills?

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I used to be able to ask girls out in everyday situations with success. Then I got into online dating and pretty much stopped asking women out in the last 3-4 years in real life. It seems really hard now to go back to the old ways, and get courage up to do what used to be easier - asking girls out!




  1. I live with my Signif Other, who I met on line over 5 years ago.. Because of our travel/career situations, it was at least 6 months before we laid eyes on one another, although I may have sent a picture of me in clown gear, accompanying my friend and her grandchildren on Halloween.  It was a real opportunity to detect and test substance, good for me, as I have been known to be waaaaay too hormonal and am bright enough that my head conspires with my rushing blood and does a complete sell job to my good sense, resulting in several divorces and other poor decisions.  On line can be really good, but you have to weed out the empty and fraudulent within the first few contacts or you can waste your life.

    What you say is so true.  In my case, I have a lifelong history of confrontation avoidance.  I now deal with nearly all confrontations by email.  No one can misquote me later.  Third hand gossip for the purpose of lining up allies falls by the wayside when I send a copy of the real words.  And, most important of all, I can edit, read aloud, and only click "send" when I know I have really really said what I intended.  They may not like that I disagree, but they can't twist it too far when the words can be re-read.  Also, when displeased with what we hear, we tend to actually hear different words and recall them very differently.  Thank Heaven for email.

  2. well online if your telling that girl the complete truth about everything you say and she likes you 4 that then you shouldent worry because she likes you for who you are go for a girl who likes who you are and not your looks and youll do fine ask the girl you like what her idel man is in other words ask her what she likes in a guy then if what she types relates to you then ask her if you guys wanna hang out or get her number and talk to her on the phone and see how she acts and if shes nice or not then ask her if you would like to go to the movies or something then try your best to ask her out then youll do fine trust me

    GOOD LUCK:)  

  3. Lol. Just go up to a girl, ask her out, and be prepared to be rejected. The only way to get back into things. Good Luck

  4. no!

  5. you need the i dont give a fk what happens. Sumtimes I approach a girl and she blows me off cuz of being shy or lacking confidence. But I just say "whatever girl" and i find another.  You don't just go up and ask a girl out, that's stupid. You need to get her attracted to you, not on a physical level, but emotional. THEN you go in for da kill. :P

  6. You should join a dating site.  I was hesitant at first to join one.  All of my friend seemed to be having such great luck finding their significant others on dating sites.  So I thought, if they can, why can't I?  Joining was the best thing I ever did, I am so happy now.  If you want to check it out and create a free profile for yourself, just visit  You will be so happy you did!  I'm so glad I took the chance and created a free profile for myself.  I hope you love it as much as I do.

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