
Do you find routine in life boring or do you need it?

by Guest58539  |  earlier

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Do you find routine in life boring or do you need it?




  1. I need some kind of organization. . .but. . .

    I think living the same day twice is absolutly MUNDANE.

    So far I've found that I change every day. . .so my everyday should change as much as being a responsible member of society will let it. . .

    Routine is just another word for Repetitive. . .in the manner you are using it here. . .

    and doing the same thing over and over. . .if you don't like the result. . .is the very definition of insanity. . .

    I suppose if you were happy with your everyday. . .and the routine it took to get you to the result at the end of the day that made you happy in life. .. than even the "borning" would be totally worth it.

    thats why I can be an artist. . .a philsopher, a dreamer and a romantic working everyday in FINANCE so I can provide the life I want my family to have.


  2. it's boring

  3. Yes!! All the time.......


  4. I hate routine,I like to be surprised by the unpredictable It is more exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i find it boring. i feel trapped. i wish things were like the old days, where they lived on farms and caught their own dinner right in the back yard. oh how i wish i'd been born 50 years earlier.

  6. i need routine because i have kids other wise i couldnt care less about it

  7. Yes. Both.

  8. Boring.!!!

  9. I find it boring. Going through the motions day in and day out. I need some variety to feel alive.

  10. yes i do, it is totally bored.

  11. "Variety is like a pinch of cumin in the simmering soup bowl of life" - a quote from Animal Crossing. Nothing could be more true. Routine makes life predictable and once you get used to it, its hard to come out of your comfort zone. Hence i always try to be late to college just to 'mix it up' a bit.

  12. Sometimes I get bored with it sometimes I like It simple depends how I feel.

  13. i may find it boring sometimes but i do need it!

  14. everything in moderation. for example its good to go to sleep in the same familiar bed often rather than wandering around with a perturbed expression on ones face wondering where it all went wrong

  15. Heck noooo dude! I find that completely boringggg! And its just no fun!

  16. I'm at that funny age -- where routine is desirable.

  17. i HATE routine, i like to be spontaneous :)

  18. Good Q...there are many that really need routine otherwise they stress out!! I'm adaptable and i can rule the roost or follow it's system...

  19. I, for one don't like routine, do something out of the ordinary and it's more exciting!

  20. I need a new routine, cause mine is boring

  21. being a mum you really do need it! sometimes i may let it slip but as long as my little ones in bed at the same time every night, the day pretty much sorts itself out lol

  22. well in life it is boring but,you'll need it.

  23. I need it.

  24. i can get boring but i need some order or else id be a hot mess :/

  25. i hate it, sometimes i  even drive a different way to work, just to break the cycle.

  26. 2 questions from this guy in a row, I'm gonna hit show me another till I get a frequent contributer label in this category too. I find routine boring but necessary.

  27. boaring i cant do the same thing every day

  28. I find it boring but we do need it...sometimes we can change it up a bit...we do have that ability

  29. I  need it and it can suck sometimes.

    Thats when you know your in a RUT.

  30. oh man i need it. without routine i couldn't possibly get out of bed in the mornings.

  31. Yeah it gets boring at times but it is good at times or else get lazy I think..........I personally prefer to be impulsive at times, just get up and head off driving through the mountains, stopping for lunch, just chilling out............routine is ok if have someone to spice it up a bit so it is exciting anyway if with the right person, won't be bored.........can keep each other entertained............mmmm !!!!  

    Pls don't ask do I need it, of course I need it.........!!!!

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