
Do you find sisters with a bigger age differance fight more or less?

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Just wondering (:

I know its all about how you bring up the child and you should teach them to be nice to everyone, Im just curious.

Would they fight more or less?




  1. I'm not sure about this one. My sisters are 15 months apart and they have always faught constantly they still do and they are 29 and almost 28 and they are 10 and 9 years older than me and there have been times when I have really faught with both of them because they were always jealous because I was the baby and supposably I got spoiled so either way I think if it's more than one girl they will sometimes argue badly

  2. less. ...

  3. i have three older sisters one is in her 40s (step sis) and the other 2 are in their 30s and when we were younger yes we fought but now we are as close as anything i can always call them if i need advice and when i give birth to my first child they are all going to be in the room.

  4. less because there is less competition and they don't spend lots of time together to have the opportunity to engage in a fight.

  5. My sister and I are 5 years apart and we do fight quite a bit. When she was a baby I helped out quite a bit, but once I got to be a teenager we fought. Now as I'm entering my 20's we are getting better. She's almost 15, so as long as she doesn't catch me at a bad time we're fine.

  6. In my experience, ones with a bigger age difference fight less--but are also not as close.  The ones that are close together spend more time together, both for good and for bad.

  7. seeing i have afew sisters& brothers in age driffence ,we never got as close as the one that was nearer to our age..we too talked of the age driffrence and felt if we were nearer longer we could have had a better out come in what happen in life with each other...but for the most parts we were always doing our own things . we never bonded as we could have tho...we lived driffent eras so we went our seperate ways...i had aunts the same age as i but ..but seemed to closer be the them then my own sister..but that is life too we all grow up and look back but those years passed and we still keep to ourselfs even now..but not all do that...

  8. My sister and I are 5 years apart. I am 29 now. She and I shared a room. I helped out with her when she was little and we bonded well from the beginning.  She is my best friend. We also had 2 brothers and it seemed that in our house it was boys versus girls. My mother and her sister are over 10 years apart. My mother is oldest. She and her sister get along well but  can't really relate to each other because of the age difference. So there needs to be a balance in age so that they are not too close together and not too far apart.

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