
Do you find that at leest 40% of the answers in this category are kind of negative?

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there seems to be negative people here taking stabs at people who are genuinely into sport

why do people hang out here if all they have to say is 'i hate the olympics ' 'and sport' or the equiverlant of that




  1. very silly people indeed.

  2. They have nothing better to do in they're life. nothing good anyways

  3. With ignorance comes negativity. I spend most time in the hockey section and when outsiders stop by with a quick answer it normally is a stupid, wise-A$$ or rude negative answer.

  4. Negative depends on your perspective, but I'm getting really tired of people going on about how China is cheater, sucks, fails, etc. Get over yourselves. China has some really good athletes.

  5. Yeah, it's really unfortunate and very non-Olympic-like.

    I do really dislike when a question is asked like "which sport shouldn't be in the Olympics."  If you don't understand the sport, try and understand it before you ridicule it.  There's a reason it's in the Olympics.  And then it just gets worse when someone says "all of them".  Really... if you don't like sports, then what good would eliminating them do... you're going from not watching sports to... uhh... not watching sports.

  6. yes im sick of the negative comments. can't they just enjoy the olympics?

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