
Do you find that people are jealous of you? Now that you are preggo?

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Do you find ur riends are starting to drift away or have better things to do than hang out with you cause you are pregnant?

Im getting quite a few jealous people around me. And I dont feel sorry for them... they should be happy for me if I am their friend.....its not like they are trying for a baby or anything...

How do you deal with this? any advice?




  1. i agree with blue

  2. Being someone who has tried for 8 years to have a baby I find MYSELF that i do get jealous and any more it is hard for to pretend that I am happy for a friend or even a family member when they become pregnant. But people who are not trying are likely to get jealous because you are probably in the happiest time of your life.

  3. they are not drifting away because you are pregnant.... people usually drift away from poeple they cannot tollerate any longer. You have probably become very boring, witchy, and quite frankly no fun anymore now that you are pregnant and not smoking and drinking... so, it's not because you are pregnant, it is because you are not being "cool" with it.... your too uptight about it

  4. not being a smart *** but i highly doubt they are jealous..i lost all my friends when i had my daughter who is 10 months.they just get bored now you have a huge responsibility and they don't they can do whatever they want when they want you have to work around your kid and pack a diaper just is not the same to them..

  5. i really think if you feel people are jealous of you because you are pregnant, then you have some kind of a problem.

    If someone wants a kid, they will have one. It isnt as if you are physically resraining them from becoming pregnant so why the h**l would they be jealous?

    Also, not everyone in this world wants to be pregnant, for many peopple have a child would be their biggest nightmare in their situation/time/ ect.

    So no, not a soul is jealous. If they are, run.

  6. this is your first kid? well Hun i don't know your age or anything. but think of the stuff you did with your friends before getting pregnant. they are still doing all those things. can u being pregnant still do all those things? i wouldn't worry about it. if you have friends that already have kids then those are going to be the friends you can hang out with.

    i know it doesn't sound fair. but i have been there Hun. i have my best friend Beth stopped talking to me when i had my first kid we had been friends since kindergarten. my oldest is 8 and she just started talking to me again when she got pregnant with her son who is now 5. so we went over 3 yrs with out talking.

  7. I wouldn't even call them friends. If they was true friends they would love and support you in any way the could.

    Best advice i can give you is don't worry about them and the way they are acting. Do not call them. Wait for them to call you then when they ask why you haven't call inform them that you had better things to do then to hang out with people that aren't sure if they want you around just because you are pregnant.

    Don't sweat the small stuff!

    Good Luck

  8. I don't personally know any pregnant women right now, but if I see a pregnant woman at the store or whatever I feel a twinge of jealousy. I want to be a mommy soooo badly, but we're waiting until we're more financially stable so that I can stay at home with it.

    As for your friends drifting away, who cares? You're right. They should be happy for you. You have more important things to focus on right now. Your pregnancy! Focus on planning your baby shower, shopping for the nursery, etc. If they want to be included in that, then they will.

  9. they're obviously not your good friends.  A good friend will not be jealous of you but they will be happy for you!  My friends were almost more excited than i was.

  10. I would say its more that you are boring and they feel uncomfortable doing non-mom things around you, not jealousy.  When i see pregnant people i feel sorry for them because a) they usually arent financially prepared and b) that kid is going to have a rough time w/ the world going in the pooper like it is.

  11. that is why there are so many STUPID people in the world because Women get PREGNANT for the wrong reasons and the CHILD having a shallow ignoramus as a mother and and absent uninterested father.........hence people continue getting dumber and breeding more idiots..........the world is on its way to retardville

    IN your case I think they just realize you have a LOAD now and they DONT its YOU who should be JEALOUS of them actually

  12. First off congratulations and best wishes for you and your baby... but I am jealous I want to be too but I'm not in the right situation yet.

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