
Do you find that people hesitate to look into the eyes of someone with scorpio rising?

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For those with scorpio rising (or if you know someone with it) do you find that when people are talking to you, they hesitate when giving you eye contact. Like they'll look off into the distance or down or just move them a lot... anything to avoid meeting with your eyes. Maybe not so much with very outgoing people but this pretty much ALWAYS happens with the shyer, quieter people which sucks because those are the ones im interested in. Has anyone noticed this? Are we really that intimidating?




  1.  Yes so true I'm a sag moon virgo sun scorpio asendant I don't have dark eyes I have blue eyes lol people do the same thing to me and on the flip of people who are afraid you'll see.something in them!!!!  there's people who become obsessed with you I mean it is weird  .i have a virgo friend who made a joke onetime about my eyes he said,  they say not to look into her eyes .it was a joke about people's reactions for example a girl who I wanted to be friends with told one of my good friends they didn't trust me when they thought I was setting them up to get in trouble at work I was shocked. the friend of mine was laughing cause my friends know that I am not ShallOw or mean . I gotta laugh it is kinda funny.but it's like wow how'd that happen's like scorpio riseing is in there own zone level or something sometimes I don't want to be bothered anyways I like good conversation and good sense of humor  but sometimes people take time to come aroundso I use my virgo natural abilities to help them finish a project or helping hand around work.  that usually is an ice breaker but yes it feels intense sometimes feels weird huh 

  2. I'm a Scorpio Rising and yes, this happens to me. I actually will now be the one looking off into the distance or away because I know my stare makes people uncomfortable. Either that or it memesurizes them. Either way I notice that it makes some people nervous and they tend to not talk to me as long and I think that is the reason. It makes it hard to meet people and make friends because people are afraid of me or think I am mean - which I find hard to believe because with my Moon and Mars in Sag - I come across very easy going and friendly to strangers but my Scorpio Rising intensity gets in the way of that. Funny thing is that I am actually kind of shy myself (Virgo Sun) but I try to overcome it and let my Sag take over so I can attempt to make friends but it still doesn't seem to help. I have noticed there are certain people it doesn't bother at all and I will instantly become friends with them and there will be no problem (surprise, surprise, these are almost always other Scorpios!). Unfortunately this is like 1% of most of the people I meet. I am starting to think of it this way - for people who can't handle it, they are probably not strong enough to be friends with me anyhow. As we all know, Scorpio wants true relationships - not  shallow acquiantances. And in todays world of tweets, most people are not capable of this. Another thing I find strange is that I have Neptune conjunct my Scorpio Asc which makes my eyes a bit on the dreamy side and not as intense but that the Scorpio Rising aura still gets in the way. So that sensitive Neptune didn't help me at all.

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