
Do you find that people miss the point when examples are used?

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Many times if I am trying to explain a complex idea or answer a question that has no easy answer, I will use an example or an analogy to illustrate my point. However, about half of the time the people that I am talking to hang on the example as if that was my point all along.

For example, If I said something like, "Why is it okay for Obama to say such and such and it isn't for Mcain."

I know many people who would try and pick apart the political aspect and totally ignore the social one.

For all you smarties out there who are going to answer my question by picking apart my own example...HAR HAR in advance.




  1. Examples only work on open minded people.

  2. It is people find it easier to visualise an example as it is a real thing, where as a theory is much more diverse and is difficult to pinpoint, this means we cling to the example when we cant answer the theory because that way we satisfy ourselves with an answer.

    good question.

  3. When we hear facts that contradict our emotions, our natural tendency is to find reasons (even subconsciously) that activate networks that agree with our own points of view and inhibit networks that disagree with them.

    What happens when you try to persuade someone of an argument they already don't agree with is they pick up on the points that they can argue and completely miss the point of the original argument.

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