
Do you find the theory of evolution ridiculous?

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"I also find it interesting that many, many educated professional scientists will continue to say there is abundant proof for evolution when they can not produce even 1 verifiable fact that proves it."




  1. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!


    He made men....apes were made a diff day..

  2. if there was a intelligent designer men would have a d**k that ejaculates money and tastes like chocolate and women would all look like super models but thats not how it works  

  3. Yes. I believe in the Bible record. jesus confirmed the Genesis record. That is enough of proof for me

  4. Nina, the first answerer, just proved her religion false, inadvertantly.

    Jesus himself confirmed that Genesis was literal truth.

    As we know that it most definitely is not, we know that Jesus... was a friggin idiot.

    Thanks.  I'm glad to hear a Christian finally agree with me on that point.

  5. Ancient messages (history) out weight modern science to Christians.

    No, I don't find the theory of evolution ridiculous, it could be true; but I believe that evolution could have happen along with God's creations.

    Who is Bob Arctor?  What concrete evidence are you talking about?  Shouldn't the whole world know about this new discovery?

    GOD BLESS!      AMEN!      SHALOM!

  6. I used to believe in evolution and understood it well.  When I became a Christian I still accepted it, evolution is fact no matter what!

    But then I started paying attention to the flaws in evolution instead of just dismissing them (hey, evolution IS fact, right?), and before I knew it, evolution became a joke.

  7. Yeah I mean they are now trying to claim we came from fish.  How on earth do we come from fish! Anyways god exists and god created the world.

  8. my question is-

    if we were evolved from apes -correct me if I'm wrong- how did we develop the ability to make decisions and have a conscience?  

  9. I find it ridiculous that billions of dollars have been spent only to come up empty handed for proof of evolution.

    I also find it interesting that many, many educated professional scientists will continue to say there is abundant proof for evolution when they can not produce even 1 verifiable fact that proves it.

    Peer review is worthless when it agrees with a wrong opinion or conclusion. The purpose of peer review is to keep people honest and factual. But in the field of evolution we find the opposite- wonder why?

  10. There is no good answer for it...its a  very ridiculous notion to put the word of bronze age sheep herders over the brilliance of the modern world

  11. The reason why I find evolution ridiculous is because it is. No getting around it. As much as evolutionists hate to hear this, it is something that has been a thorn in their side since Darwin. To embrace Darwinism one must believe the following.

    1. Nothing produces everything

    2. Non-life produces life.

    3. Randomness produces fine-tuning.

    4. Chaos produces information.

    5. Unconsciousness produces consciousness

    6. Non-reason produces reason.

       Now you tell me that this doesn't require a blind leap of faith. The central pillars of evolutionary theory as stated above, quickly crumble when exposed to close scrutiny. Naturalistic (evolutionary) processes have utterly failed to explain how non-living chemicals could somehow self-assemble into the first living cell. Not only are there no viable theories, but non are on the horizon. Science cannot answer the "how" much less the "why" of there being something rather than nothing. To make matters worse for evolutionists is that the ascending of biological forms into more complex and superior designs also come into conflict with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Since the origin of the physical universe is intensly connected with this area of science, the Laws of Thermodynamics must be held intact. Evolutionary theory does not hold these laws intact. The second law states that all matter moves from order to disorder, but in order for evolution to work it has to move from disorder to order, the complete opposit of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. How can that be?

       From the "scientific" point of view, the question is, How, in this closed order, do biological systems "swim against the entropic stream"? Or to put it another way, how do biological systems climb the ladder of intricacy and order, while the natural world descends to entropy and disorder?  To sum up my point, until evolution science can answer the above question no amount of postering on their part will cover up the fact that they have absolutely no answers as to why there is something rather than nothing. The evolutionists will continue to climb all over themselves trying to prove an unprovable theory that can work without God. A theory that is even now crumbling from within.  I do await the thumbs down, more than likely from evolutionists that hate to be proven wrong but have been proven wrong on many occasions in R&S and out in the real world.

  12. Scientists don't have proof that ACTUALLY proves everything they say about evolution. You don't have fossils of the morphing stages for example. And as far as I know, they don't even know how one species morphed into another. But with christianity, if you looked at history and studied the Bible, you find a lot more solid proof of what we are saying is true. Not to mention how much sense it can make.

  13. yes i find the theory ridiculous !

    why? because either the foundation of the theory reject that man was formed by God from the earth and not from an ape and it rejects that EVE was formed from one of adams ribs which implies cloning and dna or genetic manipulation and alterations!

    also because mose Atheist persist that there is no God and the stories of faith are mythys which they conclude the facts of science are TRUE and not fraudulent in any way.

    also because I know I have seen the Sun of righteousness (the glorious vision of jesus ) which surpasses all religious doctrine in One second.

    God bless

  14. Not at all. What I find ridiculous are Creationists who find the theory of evolution 'ridiculous' but believe in a talking snake, a talking donkey, a dead man who jumps back to life after accidentally touching the bones of a dead prophet, a blind man made to see after being touched with a dirty handerchief belonging to a self-appointed apostle, and the notion of three gods in one: a father being his own son while remaining his own father who remains his own son,  and both flying around as an invisible Spirit that is both father AND son, and who  leads people to believe that nonsense............Need I continue???

  15. I would suggest that most creationists know much more about evolution than evolutionists do because they have had to look at the evidence critically rather than blindly accepts it’s, yes, “ridiculous” dogma which they have been taught in school.

    I’ll provide you a hint…evolution includes the origin of the universe and abiogenesis. You are being dishonest in not acknowledging this. This is not a creationist notion. All you need to do is google “EVOLUTION of the universe” or “chemical EVOLUTION” and you will get a plethora of links to evolutionist sites which document this fact. Since this is so easily checked by us “dumb” creationists, I am surprised you attempted to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Now, having said that, your question was not asked disrespectfully and those comments are intended mostly for others that have responded so rudely.

    Nevertheless, I suspect what you really mean is “biological” evolution. However, even here you are wrong. Evolutionists do not want to include Abiogenesis in the theory of evolution (even though Darwin included the origin of the first prototype in his theory), because the notion is so outlandish. Not only is there no evidence it occurred, but it flies in the face of laws of probability, biogenesis and thermodynamics. If it so easily occurred by chance, you’d think after a hundred years of trying, “intelligent” scientists could  have repeated the event. The fact of the matter is that it could never have happened. So many evolutionists want to exclude it from the theory so that they don’t have to talk about it.

    However, the deception goes deeper than this. The real reason they want to exclude it is because it is simply a religious belief. It is a religious belief because it is merely a speculation about past events that can neither be repeated nor tested and no one alive today was there to see it happen. Therefore it does not fall under the scientific method.

    The reason that this is important to evolutionists is that they can now “compare” evolution, for which they want to EXCLUDE the origin of life, to creation theory where they insist that the origin of life be INCLUDED. This allows them to say creation is “religion” but evolution is “science”. That is not only grossly unfair but dishonest as well.

    If evolutionists do not want to include the origin of life in their theory, than creationists would not need to either. In other words, creationists can simply start their theory from the original created kinds and look at how natural selection, mutations and speciation have allowed them to adapt to changing environments and diversify (but only within their kinds) to produce the variety of life we see today over that last 6000 years. No discussion of God “creating” needs to be included. Evolutionists, on the other hand, insist that all the diversity of life we see today arose from a common ancestor which first appeared billions of years ago.  Now we are comparing creation “science” with evolutionary “science”.

    Which theory makes more sense? There is absolutely no “proof” that evolution has occurred. If evolution were true than massive amounts of information, specified complexity, novel body plans and functions would need to be added “uphill” to change a molecule (or a blob of protoplasm) into a man. However, we NEVER observe this in nature. All we ever observe is the “downhill” adaptation from genetically robust forms to ones which are equal or less robust through reshuffling or loss of genetic information. We never observe one kind of creature changing into another kind.

    After thousands of generations, fruit flies are still fruit flies, finches are still finches, peppered moths are still peppered moths, cavefish are still cavefish and bacteria are still bacteria. NO new information was ever added in any of the changes we observe – it either already existed in the population to begin with or a  mutation has occurred. We all know that vast majority of mutations are harmful, the rare mutation that provides some minor temporary benefit always occurs at a LOSS of information. Not the uphill “creative” acts that evolution requires.

    Now, if you are willing to concede that abiogenesis is part of evolutionary theory, I’ll answer your other question. I believe the Bible is God’s word for three reasons:

    1) The Bible is the most critically examined historical text in the world. It has been shown to be meticulously handed down from generation to generation over the last 6000 years since the creation of the world without errors or contradiction. It has been shown to be completely accurate whenever it touches upon history or science. It makes sense that if there were a God, he would have provided man with information on our origins and instructions on how to live our lives. Evolution is a concept invented by fallible men. However, the only way to know what happened in the past for sure is to have an eye-witness account which creationists have in the Bible. Therefore it can be trusted.

    2) Most of the major branches of science were founded by Biblical creationists who believed in a literal 6 day creation and who found no conflict between God and science. All of modern scientific research today overwhelmingly supports the Biblical account of our history. This is already long and there is no room to review all of this evidence. However, there is a plethora of modern peer-reviewed scientific articles documenting research which supports creation theory. There is no “proof” of evolution and no need to compromise the Bible with science because science supports the creation account.

    3) If you truly desired to seek the truth, you would actually read the Bible instead of denigrating it by repeating falsehoods from others who haven’t read it either. I am convinced that God will reveal himself to anyone who comes to the Bible with a sincere heart to seek Him who is Truth. God reveals himself in many ways including through your spirit, through miracles and signs and also through nature. God is plainly seen by the things that He made. When you observe Mount Rushmore, do you marvel at how it was formed by millions of years of wind and erosion or do you recognize that it was designed? Why do you not see the design in living things which are billions of times more complex?

  16. Since we do not know how the universe was created and we can not prove any of the theories out there, it is ridiculous that people even argue about it on this site.

  17. No

  18. The ones who think evolution is ridiculous are the ones who never studied it. They think evolution is monkey to human. That's not what evolution claims. And they don't even know the evolution of other animals, just humans.


    Religion= Excuses.

  19. Of course not.  I have proved that it is correct.  End of story.

  20. theories are just guesses,proofs are proofs

    you should make always sure you know exactly what you are talking about

    so you dont look foolish amoung others!

    the most important word you are about to learn is SYMBIOSIS

    now here is a little word with a big meaning,  this my so well educated friend is the torpedo that sinks the the unsinkable ship named evolution.  thats GOD-1 scientists-0

    i think its funny that science always takes science to prove its wrong

  21. No I don't the whole purpose of having a body is to evolve spiritually to a higher level, and gain spiritual knowledge and power through meditation on the chakras and aura. Also you don't see computers 1000 years ago so that in itself is a sign of evolution.

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