
Do you find these headlines disturbing???

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Four-day school week

Facing hard economic times, schools are cutting bus routes, jobs, and even closing on Mondays. » Story

Texas district lets teachers carry guns Students called to skip school

Man hole covers getting stolen all over the USA and thieves selling them for scrap metal.

and there are much much more. But what do you think is going ???




  1. there is a word for this - one the govt will NEVER admit to.

    and that word is:


    save all your money folks - tough times are coming...

  2. i do not find them disturbing. yes, in my opinion the whole world will be going through a very tough period and this is just the beginning, but remember, newspapers have to sell. headlines, and even stories, are always dramatised to get people to buy the newspapers. try not to worry about it too much. life may be hard, but it goes on.  

  3. What do I think is going on? The decline of a corrupt empire.

  4. What? Closing school on Monday? Teachers with guns is just outrageous. The stealing man hole cover is understandable but, still not right.  

  5. People selling public property (copper wiring, sign board, etc) for scrap is nothing new. Back in the 1950s & 1960s American was mostly middle class with a few rich folks and a few poor folks. Ever since we have been moving toward a society with a much smaller middle class and many many more poor people. Our alternatives are to either continue the trend and let our infrastructure (manhole covers and all) go to Helsinki and live in a society where only those in wealthy private enclaves can manage to have park benches that don't disappear during the night -- or make moves to return to model of a strong middle class society in which very few people are so poor and desperate as to risk this sort of pilfering. One person shoplifting is a matter store security can easily handle; when hundreds of people start shoplifting from every store on the street it is called "looting" and there aren't enough cops in the city to put a stop to it.  

  6. i think no school on monday would be awesome

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