
Do you find this amusing?

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One day,Adam is in the Garden of Eden talking to God and explaining that he is lonely.

So God says to Adam,"I will give you a companion and I will call her woman.

She will cook for you,clean your clothes,fulfill your every desire.

She will never nag you or argue with you.

She will follow you wherever you go and will be only to pleased to do whatever your bidding is."

"Wow",says Adam,"That sounds amazing but what will it cost?"

"It's very expensive" says God,"it will cost an arm and a leg."

Adam thinks about this for a moment then says "What can I get for a rib?"




  1. Hah. It was tickling. =]

  2. It's sacrilegious, but it is funny!  I like it!!

  3. I've heard it before, but I like it.  :)

  4. Reminds me of the Buddhist who walks up to the hot dog vendor and says, "Can you make me one with everything?"

  5. LOL Very funny

  6. Cute, you've got jokes. How about another one?

  7. It was amusing 30 years ago; when I first heard it.

  8. Love that one.

  9. Ha.


  10. Lord Krishna walks into a bar, bartender says "Hey pal, why so blue?"

  11. Lol good one

    The head Nun of the convent called all 100 Nuns into the foyer for an emergency meeting.

    "Last night," She started "I found something terrible in one of the sisters rooms."

    99 Nuns "Oh no"

    1 Nun "He, he"

    "A condom!" said the head Nun.

    99 Nuns "Oh no"

    1 Nun "He, he"

    Head Nun "And it was used!"

    99 Nuns "Oh no"

    1 Nun "He, he"

    Head Nun "And it had a hole in it!"

    1 Nun "Oh no"

    99 Nuns "He, he"  

  12. still funny! lol

  13. Yah

    that is amusing.  

  14. No, because as cheap as he was he still got the whole package and then some!!!!

  15. It put a smile on my face during my so far awful day. Thank you for that!

  16. How bout this?

    A priest skips church one day and goes bear hunting in the mountains.

    he hikes for a few hours, then runs into a bear accidently, when he didn't expect it. He runs down the mountain..trips on a rock, breaks a leg, and his rifles roll away.He prays to God: "Dear God, I repent on what i have done! Make this bear a Christian!"Suddenly the bear drops down on a knee, and he says: "Dear God, Thank You for the food i am about to eat..."

  17. I do. Even if it is old.

  18. I have heard this joke so many times that it just gave be a headache. But I have a joke which I just randomly remembered to tell you....even though you've probably heard it before as well.

    Two men walk into a bar. The third one ducks.

  19. A Southern Baptist confronts an Atheist:  

    S.B:  If you knew you had five minute left to live, what would you do??

    Atheist:  I would immediatly convert to Southern Baptist.

    S.B. (falls to his knees, weeping) Thank you Jesus, you've helped me make my first convert...(turning to Atheist) "But tell me, what convinced you to convert???

    Atheist:  Well, I figured that it's better for one of YOURS  to die, than one of OURS!

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