
Do you find this funny about the Democrats/?

by Guest58735  |  earlier

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After a week of the DNC trying to show that Obama and Biden and other are just like the middle-class and understand the middle -class

When McCain selects someone from the middle-class the first thing Nancy Pelosi says is she's not qualified"?

Too funny




  1. lol

    its even funnier that McCain has put a inexperience person for his vp but tells people obama doesn't have the experience to run the country.


    repubs got the greatest logic


  2. wanna know something even funnier? the obama camp is bashing john mccain for his vp pick saying she is inexperienced...well news flash! palin has the same amount of experience of obama, if not more!

  3. I was just about to ask the same thing also it's funny to listen to the media bias the same thing they say Obama is ready for office the y say she's not they are so bitter! It's so funny!

  4. I always laugh at the demorats, they never fail to make fools of themselves. I just wish I could bet with some of them, but they have nothing to bet with except their welfare checks. :-)

  5. It's fun to watch them running scared.

  6. yes, McCain's vp choice does lack the experience needed to run a country. however, SHE ISN'T RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! Under Mccain she will gain the experience and understanding she will need to do this. Obama is the one running for president and the guy he chose as his VP has at least 2 to 3 times the experience he does. If obama and biden get elected into office i promise you this will be a co-presidency!

  7. I think the Republicans and especially John McCain have no room to talk about Barack Obama after McCain picked one of the least experienced people possible for the VP job. Think about it. Palin has no foreign policy experience, no real economic experience, she's a first-term governor, she was only mayor of a town with only 9,000 people. And though she's inexperienced, if something were to happen to John McCain IF he became President, that inexperienced person would become President, and would be in countrol of this country. Now after McCain harped on for months on end about Obama's lack of experience, he picks a VP with even less experience than Obama? Where's the sense in that? This just shows the Republican's double standard.

  8. They're in a tailspin.

    They can't figure out how to attack this problem!

    Even Nobama's campaign spokesman came out against Palin this morning, only to be retracted and over ruled by Obama himself complimenting Mac on his choice of VP.

    McCain has done it. He's picked a conservative, small-gov candidate who will make history in 2008 as the first woman ever to be Vice President of the United States.

  9. its very funny.  The even funnier thing is the fact that Nancy Pelosi is speaker of the house and has no idea what she's doing she cant even bring drilling up for a vote because she's scared she will lose so she would rather run and hide. But to answer your question she needs to look in her own back yard with obama experence and qualifactions which he has none he just says he wants change yet no ones sure what that change is as of yet.  

  10. Uh, because she isn't qualified?

  11. She is the only executive on either ticket; and thus has experience none of the other candidates can ever bring to the table.  I think she's an awesome pick.  I can finally vote for McCain rather then against Obama.

  12. Mc Cain is running on the experience platform and bringing someone without experience is hypocritical

  13. Nancy is the least qualified person ever to be two heart beats away from the job.

  14. it's hilarious, the dems are losing it.  

  15. They're completely deranged. The little twits.

  16. They are scared.

  17. The Democrats have always felt they are better and you can't be one of us. They think (misguidedly) they know what's best for us peons.  

  18. Nancy Pelosi should keep her mouth shut.. if ever anyone was unqualified it is her.

    Besides.. why are the Democrats getting into such a **** fit... if she isn't good enough then she won't be elected... or is it that they just feel the need to destroy everything in their path.

    I think they are afraid that all those Hillary voters who still aren't really happy with Obama.. just may go to McCain now.. for it seems he isn't afraid of a strong woman.. and Obama obviously is.

    To the poster above me... if she is unqualifed.. just how do explain how Obama is.. and God forbid they expect him to be elected presidemt... that is scary to me.

  19. That is so roflcopter.

  20. No, because it's inaccurate.  

    As an Independent, I do, however, find it HILARIOUS that only on Yahoo! Answers - Politics is McCain popular.

    Too too funny.

    I Love Jews & Israel - let's make sure that we thank your President for almost ensuring that soon, we all will be on welfare.

  21. Palin is not qualified... to be VP of this country.  No Way, No How...

  22. yes i do fine that funny, nancy pelosi is not good. i do like sarah palin...

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