
Do you find this rude or amusing?

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Today a questioner on CE managed to spell something wrong in the question and was then pulled up quite rudely by another who corrected the spelling who then managed to say that the original word was SPELT wrong. Spelt is a type of organic wheat. Spelled is the correct word. Sometimes wouldn't you like to see them eat humble pie for being so damned RUDE? There are certainly better ways to do it!




  1. its rude and petty , the vast majority of us make spelling mistakes and we can usually work out what they mean

    we are not on here to be judged for our spelling

    maybe its somebody who wants to feel superior

  2. Spelt is an alternative spelling of the past tense and past participle of 'spell' (c.f. dreamt, dreamed). I don't know if that was why the episode bugged you so much - because you thought it was wrongly used. It also can refer to Triticum spelta, a species of wheat.

    Whether it was rude to correct is debatable. Today, people do not like to be corrected, even when the intention is to help them avoid mistakes in future. Teachers are told to overlook spelling and grammatical mistakes. These trends have led to a nation of inept spellers and writers. Maybe one should just follow the trend and let everything go to pot.

    One wonders what you mean by, 'Spelt has been registered as a derivative over the years'? Did someone invent the word 'spelt' and went to the Registry of English Words and register it as a word? As you may know, the English language is not 'regulated' like that, if it's regulated at all. As for the form of the word, it is one of the irregular verb forms that has a -t ending, and it has been in use for a long time in Britain. Until you can produce a better authority than the OED that it has been 'mis-registered,' it will continue to be used. Even the BBC and our broadsheets have used the -t form.

  3. Well considering we dont say spelled verbaly when we pronounce the word it sounds like spelt,i can understand the mistake so yes they were very rude

  4. there always around, they seem to think everyone speaks English as their first language. they never think maybe the person wrote it in French and used translator on word and that is awful for grammar.  That is the way I think when I see a mistake in grammar. No way of knowing if the person has gone to Oxford are is from a country that has pigeon English and there are over a hundred countries that have pigeon English.

  5. Quite rude! the audacity of it all! tut tut....

  6. geez i can make a lot of spelling mistakes

    usualy due to the way i say the word,

    but ye to pick on someone for it is rude.

  7. Actually Helen spelled and spelt are both acceptable .

  8. your right it is a organic wheat but spelt is an acceptable form and can be used in the context of spelling if used in a past tense.(its in the dictionary)

    but as for your point, you make a good one...if somebody  wishes to point out a spelling error that is up to them and is ok but there is certainly no need to be rude about it in doing so.

  9. The word spelt is a verb, a past tense and past participle of the verb, spell

    hope this helps

  10. That's an old liberal trick. Cast dispersions and make counter accusations totally off subject as a means of redirecting the subject matter onto something else. It's amusing, sometimes funny and always laughable at the lengths some folks go...........

  11. The cow spelled grammar incorrectly.

  12. LOL....Thanks for the laugh.  You're right, we all make mistakes and as long as we can understand what the person was saying, I don't know what some people achieve with their rude remarks about misspelled words.  Some are rude enough to even make fun of people who are learning the language, for God's sake at least the person is trying!!!

  13. It was rude, but some people just like to make other people feel inferior to them. Doesn't work though, most folk can see through them.

  14. The person might have put it this way The way to spell is spell.

    On a more light note anyone who does not know how to spell should be turned into a toad. That old black magic has you in it's spell.

  15. LOL.

    I love it when people try and correct my 'grammer'.........

  16. It's true it does seem funny, when one didn't know that "spelt" was actually an acceptable form...  I didn't know that myself.  I, like you, just know of the health food "spelt".   So that's pretty funny.  I would have been amused too.

    Even funnier, though, is the fact that "spelt" is actually an acceptable form, as we have been informed!  Funnier and funnier....

  17. I find this very amusing.  What goes around comes around.

  18. i tried to read this paragraph butmy brain ended up in knots, sorry

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