
Do you find this statement to be accurate: Feminists support women--liberal women?

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If you are conservative or pro life, forget about it. Thats what it seems.




  1. EDIT: Are you thumbing down people who answer your question?


    Actually, I think this might vary a bit from place to place.

    While not all feminists hold the exact same views about every single issue, there are many issues that bring women from very diverse backgrounds together in a productive way.

    For example, I am a member of several different feminist organisations in which a very wide range of views is represented. In one group, for example, we have members who are communists, anarchists and conservatives, one is even a catholic nun. We all work productively  together towards our particular aim, get on very well and have a lot of fun, in that situation.

    I'm a fairly conservative person in most parts of my daily life, and spend most of my time with more conservative people, socially and politically.

    People can hold different views about issues of importance without resorting to the type of tactics we've seen so much of in recent years, and which can be summed up by the ideology "If you are not for us, you are against us".

    One thing I have learned is that people who actually get involved in trying to work towards helping others almost always do it because they want to make the world a better place, and if you don't like their politics you can at least respect their intentions.

    In Australia, there is a long tradition of this type of co-operation within the home-grown women's liberation movement.

    Cheers :-)

  2. I would say it's accurate for most, if not all modern feminists.

    If you even hint at being remotely conservative or "pro-life" to a staunch feminist, it's the chopping block for you.

    It is however, highly probable that this does vary from place to place.

  3. Feminists support the rights of all women and try to create more options for women, even if some are happy with their limits. There are some feminists on the right but it is often difficult to incorporate the feminist ideology with conservatism because as its name implies, conservatism is often more traditional.

    The pro-life thing is a whole other can of worms that I don't feel like opening right now.

  4. Women tend to vote differently than men because they have different priorities.  Feminists who self-identify tend to be well educated, and these constituents tend to vote more to the left.

    Hope that answers your question: the matter has been the object of scholarly investigation, so there is proof that what I say is correct.

  5. I think the two ideologies almost go hand in hand more often then not.  Admittedly, I am not very well versed in what it "really" means to be a feminist, alas, my reference is mostly here at GWS.  What I take away from this overall experience is that I think for the most part, women like me would be kicked out of the club.  I believe that men are great.  I have loved one enough to marry him and raise a child, but I have loved other men as well.  I am a conservative who believes in a woman's right to choose, but I am not rabid about it.  I think if you are against abortion, by all means do not have one.  I do NOT believe in "if it feels good do it" or that I am somehow special or unique because I have a uterus. The feminism that I live with, and believe in, affords women choice without a ton of ridicule.  That doesn't mean that personal responsibility gets thrown out the window because I am a woman.  It means that because I am a woman, I hold myself to a higher standard.  I have seen women on here be ridiculed for choosing to be a homemaker and stay home with her kids and provide a hot meal for her husband.  If feminism really is for all women, feminism is for this woman.  I think that the most vocal of the feminists I have encountered are fairly judgemental if another woman isn't as "in your face" as they are.  And look out if you do choose to stay home and be a full time housewife, in my expereince, these feminists are relentless in their criticism.  

       I don't know, I like being a woman.  I like the perfume and the s**y shoes.  I like my man to be masculine.  I like s*x and I like flirting.  I also love my career, my car, and my independence.  I loved the 5 years I spent as a 'housewife' and mother--I wouldn't trade them for the world.  I am thankful to the feminist movement that I COULD choose to do both.  Feminism should be about supporting ALL women's choices, helping each other to make better ones through education, not ridicule, and appreciating our differences.  God, now I sound like a liberal.....  

  6. I think not

  7. On the whole, yes. There's a lot of overlap between feminist values and liberal values. Feminism is about autonomy; not against contributing to the community, but against being forced into an involuntary commitment on the basis of one's reproductive organs. When a woman comes along who espouses patriarchal values, we will disagree.

    I think your question betrays a misconception. There is nothing in feminist ideas to say we should automatically support women whether or not we agree with them. Socially conservative and/or 'pro-life' ideas are often seen as anti-feminist, and with good reason, no matter who holds them.

    McCain and Palin in the White House would be disastrous for reproductive rights. Feminists aren't going to feel under any obligation to vote Republican just because that's the side with a womb-equipped potential VP. And over here, we have Nadine Dorries MP, heartily despised by every feminist with whom I've ever discussed her.

  8. I agree 90%.  While I know 1 or 2 women who identify themselves as feminists and like Sarah Palin most don't.  They only identify with women who are democrats, liberal, for legalized abortions etc.  They don't even realize how much Sarah Palin is the victim of sexism.  She's criticized for being Gov. instead of raising her children but Joe Biden was lavished with praise for commuting home every night to be with his.  So many women who claim they are feminists don't see the blatant sexism there.  Many women don't even see how sexist it was what the media did to Hillary.  Open your eyes feminists.

  9. I don't support a particular 'kind' of woman.... I support equal rights for women in general.

    So no, I find that statement to be innacurate - It misses the point of what feminism is about.

  10. That would be rather accurate. Though some are against the legalisation of prostitution I think which is surprisingly conservative

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