
Do you find this strange about the hockey section?

by  |  earlier

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In the past, on the Yahoo MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL Webpages, they would have a thread that show about 3 current questions in that category on Answers.

If you take note:

Go the Sports NFL page….see on the bottom????….those are the current questions in the Football Section. Now do the same for the NBA and MLB pages…..see the three current open Y!A Questions?

NOW, go to the NHL page under Y! Sports. See any Y!Answers Questions? Nope!

So answer me this:::::::

If Y!A can’t fix this big “misplaced question” problem until the next major Y!A update, then how can they completely get rid of the “embarrassing” thread on the Yahoo NHL page? You KNOW they had to get rid of the thread because of the non-hockey questions. It would have be humiliating for Y!. So, why wait until the next update?




  1. Yahoo? (yes, yahoo's exclamation point is now replaced with a question mark) teamed up with Tiger Woods with hating hockey.

  2. Sounds like you got some good thinking weed there Hal. With a troubleshooting mind like yours I see why you got that promotion.

  3. Simply put my dear, is the fact that in Yahoo's company dictionary, the word "professional" comes after "yahoo".

  4. I see 4 Open Questions and 4 Resolved Questions after I open your Q.

  5. Because Yahoo looks better when they fix their sports pages, but it's not that big of a deal when we have to deal with misplaced questions.  That's because more people look at the sports pages than they go on Yahoo Answers.  And when people see questions like "My boyfriend cheated on me, should I take him back?" they'll think it's a joke and just go onto ESPN or something to view their sports info.  And Yahoo doesn't want that.

    However, there are fewer people in the Yahoo Answers section, and they're gonna make us deal with the stupid questions till they feel like fixing it.  Sure, a couple of regulars leave, but they know they'll be back for the season.  I guess they figure its the hockey offseason so they're in no rush to fix anything...

    Plus it's more embarassing to Yahoo if those silly questions appear on a sports page, as opposed to a message board type of page.  If those questions appear on the sports page, it looks like it's Yahoo's fault and it makes them look bad.  If misplaced questions appear in the Yahoo Answers hockey section, people will assume it's the users fault for not putting the question in the right section.  It won't seem like it's Yahoo's fault in that situation (but we all know it is).

  6. If they know about it and they are hearing us complain, you would think they would just fix it. Obviously its causing problems, but they just don't care. I don't get it. It doesn't seem like its a hard fix... so why wait?, i don't know.

  7. Going on what some of our friends say whom are fans of the Leafs, You'd think Y!A was bought out and now being ran by the teachers union..  

    The problem isnt going to be fixed soon.. Just how bad do you think its gonna get when season starts and the section begins to be cluttered with actual hockey Q's along with this other "duck butter" we have now??

    I remember someone saying to them "Thank God you dont build airplanes"----- True dat!!!  

    I guess its hard to fix and maintain a website with ones nose planted firmly in the Yahoo top dogs rectal cavity just hoping they still have a job come tomorrow.. My advice--- even with their noses buried, they still can type--- just find a way to see the freakin screen through Mr. Commanders colon and the repairs can begin..  

  8. Do I need to splain it to you Homes?

    Easy to take out of the web page.  HTML or whatever they are writing with for that page can be edited quickly from apps like Front Page.  All they have to do is remove the code for that section of the page.  Very easy.  As for the question sorting issue, that is a lot harder to fix.  First they have to find the specfic section of the code at fault in the executable that generates the page in Y!.  The answers section is far more complex because it's dynamic and is always changing so the code for it is harder to fix and requires the extra special type of geeks who spend long hours alone in dark rooms crunching code.

    Enough of the techno-babble.  Are you looking forward to a new year for your Bolts?  I bet they make the playoffs this year.

    It's more than just the & symbol that sends the questions to hockey BTW.  It's anything that isn't a letter or a number which suggests to an old geek like me that there is a total garbage line of code somewhere that does a string check for alpha numerics and deliberately sends it to hockey if it finds any entry with anything other than a letter or a number in the question string.  It should be easy to find and remove if they wanted to.

  9. I'll tell you what's strange. Whenever someone asks a question with an & sign in it,it's automatically in the hockey section.  

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