
Do you find this video to be...?

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racist in any way?

i sure did, the freakin' user only displayed the "good" sides of Pakistan other than that he had all bad stuff to say about India, the only religion in India is NOT Hinduism, there are also Muslims and Christians etc...and secondly India, education wise, is a very smart country i don't know what this stupid person is talking about...sooo

what do u u find this video racist?

and i am Indian, so you know what view i am speaking from!

thanks for your response, and please don't be too rude against India or Pakistan!..





  1. Actually these type of Video clippings should not be allowed by You tube Community. Hundreds and thousands of viewers visit these sites daily and it will create a bad impression among the foreigners about India.  But those who are wise enough can easily understand that the fellow behind the creation of such objectionable clippings is definitely making discrimination between these two countries. For example, they show one Military Aircraft which is said to be shot down by them, which may be true, but at the same time India would have shot down tens and hundreds of their such air crafts.  To demonstrate cars, they clipped two old Ambassador cars parked along side of the road, may be it is condemned, they show two or three posh cars they have.  Thousands of more posh cars are running on the Indian streets, he conceals the truth.  Actually there is no comparison between India and Pakistan, it will be an Elephant and Lamp comparison.

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