
Do you find you are turning off more and more TV shows because they constantly play music over people talking?

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No wonder people are under stress all the time.




  1. Yes.  I hate the loud background.  That is why I like British TV.  Especially the period pieces.  You get to hear the actors and the only sound in the background are birds or a carriage on a pebble road.  So peaceful and calming.  I am buying more DVDs of shows of yesteryear.  I am looking at the Waltons first season right now instead of  current watching TV programs.

  2. You might not have caught up with the digital yet..the old speakers can't handle digital sound if you get the hdtv or surround sound that will go away..i do however turn it off more often because of lack of good shows..and incessant informercials..thank god i love to my kindle!

  3. Most definitely. And you have hit the nail right on the head.

    I am constantly messing with the volume & muting the commercials all together.

    I do not watch any shows where there are more then 2 people talking at a time. I can't stand arguing & haggling.

    Never have dealt well with that.

    Can't change the channel fast enough.

    Have a pleasant day & be thankful for the TV control. ~~~~  

  4. My pet peeve with TV right now is the all the litter that is dotted about on the screen complete with sound effects.  I'll be engrossed in a show and all of a sudden there's a swooshing noise and the bottom fourth of the screen is covered by characters from another show dancing about.  Now these things have started to pop up in the upper portion of the screen, sometimes covering faces, scoreboards, or other important parts of the show I'm watching.  I hate this!!

  5. This has been one of my biggest complaints for the past few years.  Sometimes I cannot hear what is being said.  It started in the early days of silent movies when music was played in the theaters.  It then progressed to background music for talkies.  That was okay, but now on television it is not necessary to drown out any dialog, expecially with the annoying same drum beat played at a fast pace.  I agree - it just makes me nervous and I stopped watching certain programs because of this.

  6. I find myself changing the channel because there are so many commercial running one after the other.  I once timed one sequence and it went on for a full 12 minutes nonstop.  That's too many commercials (and that's not adding in the regular commercial breaks throughout the program).  There's a limit to how many commercials I can stand to sit through--and worse, repeats of the same commercial that just aired 2 or 3 times in a row.  And the sound volume goes up for commercials so even the pets get freaked.  I also find I am just not entertained in any way by most tv so I'm watching home repair shows and the Animal Channel's Animal Cops.  

  7. I do, and it's not me losing my hearing either. I know exactly what you mean. On top of it, why do actors have to whisper too? Usually there is music playing and you can't hear normal talking, then the whispering and we are sitting here saying, "What did they say, what did they say?" I've noticed this problem for quite a few years. I don't watch tv for the music. I have a cd/radio player for that. Just give me the tv program without it, PLEASE.  

  8. I haven't noticed this on TV shows, but I have noticed this during films and sometimes it makes it hard to pick out the dialogue. One thing which does make me annoyed is the North American practice (I assume that it's the influence of the USA, but I apologise if it's not) of playing the organ while the congregation is at prayer in church. I find it hard to concentrate on what is being said, as the words of whatever hymn it is being played flood through my mind instead. It is as though people were afraid of silence.

  9. Yes, and during the DNC, the political analyst talked while the people were on stage.  I thought we were supposed to be listening to the message and not the messenger!!!  I turned it off last night because of the B.S. that was said.  All they talked about was war!!!  Not how we're going to fix our country........just the war!!!

  10. My hearing is not what it once was so I turn the sound off and use the captions.  

  11. The thing that bothers me is that the commercials are so much louder than the program.

  12. My TV is sitting in the corner on the floor. I can't remember the last time I saw anything entertaining on it and hence it has fallen to complete disuse. At this point I do not plan to upgrade the set to the new broadcast format standards. I will likely throw the set out and that will be the end of an era I guess. Really, I think that is the answer. The age of TV is over.  

  13. yeah thats annoying and i sometimes switch off shows where their accents are too hard to understand, i cant understand english accents at all  

  14. This is so true. Why do they need music while the actors are talking? is  We have a problem anyway. I have a problem with my hearing and hubby complains the TV is too loud for him,then there is all that blaring music, we miss half of what people are saying. I go upstairs to my room and close the door so I can watch TV.  Hubby's hearing is safe now.   Poppy

  15. Yes. Wearing my hearing aid does not help either since it only makes it worse.


    I thought it was my hearing!  Now I feel better!

  17. Many times it's to cover up people saying not much of anything.

  18. I use closed captioning whenever it's available.  They need it in the movies, too.

  19. I have a hearing loss and find background music (or any sort of background noise), if its too loud, can be really distracting and frustrating.. It doesnt make me turn the telly off, but unless there are captions I will lose interest and more than likely change channel...

  20. I'm turning off more TV because it is so inane.  How stupid do they think we are?  Does anyone really laugh at those sitcoms?

  21. Not because of the music so much as because the shows seem to be getting dumber and dumber.

  22. Yes, I just hate that.

  23. I used to love the Law and Order shows but the background music has become so loud you can't hear the dialogue.

  24. I find I turn on the TV very very seldom these days. Now that school is open again , the afternoons are homework. With my hearing problem it is a very frustrating thing to listen to more than one thing at a time.

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