
Do you find yourself acting more and more like your parents?

by Guest66589  |  earlier

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i swore, ever since i can remember that i wouldn't be like my mom. i love her, but d@mn. now that i'm 23, settled in a relationship, i'm becoming more and more like her. is it inevitable?




  1. i am only 14, but i am acting like m mom alot.

    which is both good, and bad.

  2. I try not to, but I am pretty much exactly like my mom.  Now I understand why she was such a b****.  However, I try to change the way I act toward my children because I remember I didn't like it much and I don't want my kids to hate me!

    Other than that, it happens.  It's pretty hard to try to change it.

  3. Um... I'm only 12 and I think NO. My mom is WAYYYY too strict and I don't wanna be like her. I'm gonna grow my child and I'm gonna suppoert her and be her best friend and give her love and stuff.

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