
Do you find yourself getting annoyed when watching cooking shows?

by Guest32336  |  earlier

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What annoys you? This is what annoys me:

1. When the cook talks directly over the food (Emeril does this a lot)

2. When the cook licks their hands/fingers and uses that same hand to serve or touch the food (Paula Deen does this).

3. When they're making something like porridge or mashed potatoes and they're all, "Doesn't that look good?" Mushy food is NEVER going to look good. It may taste and smell good, but let's be real, cake batter hardly looks appealing.

4. When they just HAVE to say, "Here comes the fun part" when adding liquor to anything. If you're over 21, the "kewlness" of liquor is old. Stop being stupid.

5. When they're making say, roast chicken, and all they put on it is some olive oil and salt. Umm...maybe it's the West Indian in me, but what happened to the REAL seasoning??

6. When they're making food for kids and they're like, "This recipe is a great way to sneak vegetables into your kids", as if kids are complete morons. You can put a smiley face on Brussels sprouts if you want to; it's still a vegetable. And no, adding spinach to a fruit smoothie will not hide that fact that it's still spinach in there.

7. When they're making steak and the meat is so rare that it's practicall still mooing. I'm all for people liking their meat cooked differently, but I find it odd that nearly EVERY TV cook just happens to like their meat rare.




  1. I know it's mega annoying. My guess though is that all the heat from the kitchen fried their brains.

  2. maybe you should stop watching the cooking shows

  3. The only thing that annoys me about cooking shows (I am a chef) is that talentless WH*RE, Rachel Ray!

  4. LMAO - Oh, I agree with you on most of these.

    Mine is being sick of Rachael Ray and her EVOO. Enough already! However, I watch her occasionally because she has good ideas.

    My beef about her show, though, is yes - quick and easy meals, but that also means very expensive cuts of meats!

    About the rareified meat -- I swear sometimes those steaks look positively blue -- and just how often is that closeup of the blood running out?

  5. I really never picked up on all that stuff...I 'm usually takin mental notes and picturing the meals as they go to try and remember what in St. Stevens they put in it.

    However, Rachel Ray (my favorite) can kill the corny jokes!

  6. Haha I completely agree with you! I get super annoyed with Rachael Ray too though. She's just WAY too happy:d Bu yeah all those thoughts come to my head when I watch cooking shows, which is why I don't want them very often.

  7. i think you are just paying a lil bit too much d**n attention. relax

  8. I was laughing all the way through:

    I agree with everything you've posted and I'd like to add

    About the liqour most  tv chef are alckeyholics so the fun part is add 3 2-3 cups of liqour to the meal

    About the seasoning it drives me madd on cooking shows adds a load of salt and pepper and says thats great seasoning. I think its the Caribbean in me thats wondering where is the marinade, the pepper, the  onion powder, garlic, and at least four other seasonings that actually makes the food delicious.

    I mean really if all you put on your meat is salt, pepper, and lemon: all your poultry is gonna taste like is mmmmmmm ß(sarcastically)  salt, lemon, and pepper: uh gross by my standards!

    lol smiley face Brussels sprout: HI larious!

    and the whole not cooking the meat thoroughly: ugh! yea fine if thats your choice to cook a 4 inch steak for 15 minutes: I just feel as though it’s just gross, especially if blood is oozing out of the meat while they call it juice, no it blood!!!

    Sorry If my words was disgusting, but its soooo true!

  9. Things I CANNOT STAND:

    1. When Emeril makes those stupid sounds when he mixes or sprinkles things....just his childish sounds in general.

    2. When Rachael Ray calls us "kiddos" or childish names for ingredients.

    3. They call everything "a healthy meal".

  10. okay, you vented yourself, go find another subject to nit-pick


  11. Yeah, that all sound very annoying, and trust me: I know annoying.

    I've got two more things: when a chef mixes something with his/her hands and

    1) is wearing rings or

    2) is wearing fake fingernails.

    Both of those strike me as terribly unsanitary.

    EDIT: One more thing: when they cook something that looks incredibly delicious, and then they say, "oh man, this smells incredibly delicious," and then they taste it and say, "oh man! This is incredibly delicious!" And you want to eat it but can't because it's on the TV!

  12. you sound pretty critical, maybe you should change channels

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