
Do you find yourself

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victim to paranoia? and what's your sun/moon/rising




  1. NO... i don't even think my horoscope is actually talking about me  it just doesn't seem to

  2. Usually only when it's dark and I'm outside or something.

    I tend to be paranoid about what I eat sometimes too.

    But that's not often, so not really.

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

  3. At night when everybody's sleeping..And then when the TV makes a noise,or the piano I get so scared,I jump! :D

    Leo sun

    Sag moon

    Aquarius rising

  4. Sometimes, I am Aquarius sun, Geminis moon and Virgo rising..

  5. No, but I live in a bad neighborhood so I know to check my back every now and then, and I keep mace in my bag when I go places alone. Though I have been warned I need to pay more attention to traffic (if you get my drift..)

    Sun - Aquarius

    Moon - Scorpio

    Rising - Aries

  6. sometimes

    Sun: Scorpio

    Moon: Aries

    Rising: Scorpio

    yes i know im badly tempered with my sun moon and rising...

    lol but i love it <3  
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