
Do you find yourself using your ascendant's characteristics when you're in trouble?

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Like a way of protecting yourself or dealing with trouble and unexpected things.




  1. Yeah I think so sometimes. I'm an Aries ascendant, so that's where my confidence and aggressiveness comes from when people try to mess with me. But, I feel like my ascendant characteristics usually gets me in trouble more than helping me. I can be careless and not think about consequences sometimes.

  2. No, actually I tend to fall back into my Moon when I'm in trouble....the moon is my "safe" place, and I'm "safe" when I'm with others, dealing with universal issues, working with technology, analyzing and tearing apart the situation.

    So, usually when I'm dealing with unexpected issues, my Moon takes over and I start acting more like an Aquarius...

    The ascendant for me, anyway, seems to be the impression people first get when they look at me, especially in pictures...

    Sun in Cap, Moon in Aquarius, Asc in Pisces.

  3. Hey all-do.

    Sun Libra

    Moon Aqua

    Rising Cap

    Well, when my Papa got sick I definitely used my Cap as my support - the Aqua and Libra in me wanted to run away. I also have Virgo, Scorpio and Cancer so that helped me to be strong.

    I do well in instant emergencies. But, only if I'm the leader. If there's someone else barking out commands I get easily lost and confused. I'm always best when it comes to ordering people around (yes, Ha-ha). But, not with instant decisions. I leave those up to the water signs.

    I am always surprised at how easily I can lie to strangers. Apparently I'm convincing. I can't do it with people I know well, though.

    Good Q!

  4. My Sun sign is Sagittarius, My moon is Taurus, and my Rising is Capricorn. My Sun sign and Rising sign come into play when I'm dealing with trouble or unexpected things. The Sagittarius side of me is always optimistic and sees a light at the end of the tunnel while the Capricorn side of me is very persistent and and focused. It's depending on how bad things are, but the Capricorn side plays a very crucial part when I'm in trouble and need to fix things.

  5. Totally!

    sub/sag moon/Scorpio asc/cap

    Like Bumby, I work well in unexpected dilemmas but only if I am in charge! I get frustrated in situations like this if if someone else has control.....'get it done, already!', says me impatient (I believe my sun controls that aspect?)

    In times of grief or despair, I am my sun full strength, especially when others are in need of consoling as well....

    When I feel backed in a corner I feel my sun and asc. work in harmony for my aggressive

    Still kind of new here,...hope I answered your question correctly! :)

  6. No, it would not work for me, it is because of my Capricorn rising.

    Sun in Libra

    Moon in Aquarius

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