
Do you flush every time you pee?

by  |  earlier

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Just one way to conserve water.




  1. At night I don't, or if it's just me and my husband.  But if my son is home I flush, as he sometimes has company and I don't want to put him on the spot trying to explain my actions  to his friends.

    We do have low flush toilets, but I still try to conserve water when and where I can.  And I'm not just saving water, I'm saving money.

  2. I don't, I don't, 'cause I live alone. I will flush when I have a bowel movement.  However it makes me upset that the water company bills me a minimum so no matter how much (probably after 5 cubits i will see an increase in my bill) water I use I'm charge the same.  So what's the use of me conserving?  

    Now if there was drought would I be credited? doubt it.

  3. No i don't

  4. If it's yellow, let it mellow,

    If it's brown, flush it down.

  5. sometimes twice.

  6. Of course I do... it is sick not to

  7. Yes, I do.

  8. of course! who wants 2 c that?!

  9. This is an excellent example of why conservation does NOT work.  There is absolutely no reason to flush that toilet every time you pee.  The reason given by people here are just plain silly.  Conserving water is more important.

    The majority of people talk conservation, but in reality, they don't practice.  

    I do not flush every time I urinate.  I also urinate outdoors often.

  10. i assume you don't

  11. Yes! it smells

  12. You have to flush otherwise it smells,  instead you can adjust the water level in your flush tanks.

  13. Nah, just fertilize the lawn.   It loves the nitrogen (just not too much in one place or it dies).   Lush green lawn, just don't lay on it if it hasn't rained in awhile.

  14. If its yellow, let it mellow

    if its brown flush it down

    but i flush every time.

  15. Yeah! Why would you not?

    Just filthy!

    And I wash my hands too!

  16. I have to agree with Jim.  This is a big reason why conservation doesn't work.  So many people have such stupid reasons why they won't do a little extra to conserve our resources.  (i.e. it is gross, it smells, it's nasty...blah blah blah!) Oh and of course this is one of the worst reasons... “what difference does one little flush make?”.  Mmmmm...let's see THEY ADD UP!

  17. If I am at home my wife makes me flush and put the lid down.

    At the office we have waterless urinals.

    When I'm out in the field then any tree or truck tire works.

  18. If its brown, flush it down

    Let  it mellow if its yellow

  19. Of course, i do.

  20. yes

  21. Make sure you have a low flow toilet for Starters.

    All I can say is that back in the early 80's, water was in a shortage in California. We were all told not to water any plants or yards.

    We were also told to only flush our toilets when it was more than urine. Of course, we followed this for many years and flushed only when we had too. The problem was when we had kids. We wanted to teach them that they had to flush every time and so we scrapped the old plan.

    If one person drinks the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, plus the extra juice, soda, tea and coffee, our bodies are getting a gallon of fluid a day and what goes in must come out. If there are two in a household, we are flushing the toilet at least 20 times a day and all that extra water is flowing into the sewer (clean water). Now take a family of five and do the math, you are flushing 50-60 times a day. Where does it stop?

    What a waste of good clean WATER.

    We need toilets similar to out houses. Or ones you flush only when BROWN. The urine just enters the hole and a sprinkler in the rim rinses the bowl. Imagine how much water we would save on this planet?

    Yes, I can say that when we could not flush after urinating the toilet bowl got messy faster and you had to clean real often. But we saved millions of gallons of water in the state. And it helped during tough times. Urine is not the same as your f***s, it does not contain the same germs. Yes, it can smell a bit but with the lid closed it is not noticable.

    We need someone to invent better toilets where you flush only when BROWN. Something similar to the one mentioned above. Yes, I flush all the time but I cringe when I do it. I want to help SAVE mother Earth. We are ruining our planet and we better wake up before it is too late.

  22. No of course not 10 liter of water to wash away half a liter seems ridiculous.

    when i can i give it to a tree.

  23. I do but i sneak out back to go pee more often then going in the house .kind of like weeeeee feel the breeze thing you know what i mean .

  24. I usually don't flush everytime unless it is necessary to conserve water....

  25. Do you water your garden? Because outdoor watering uses more water than flushing. You are being penny wise and pound foolish if you worry about a few extra flushes but do not worry about the water you put on your plants, especially a lawn.

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