
Do you fold dollar bills neatly and put them away or do you just wad them up and stuff them in your pocket?

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Do you fold dollar bills neatly and put them away or do you just wad them up and stuff them in your pocket?




  1. I put them in my wallet.

  2. I don't carry cash. but my husband folds them up really nice. He puts them in his belt for emergencies (there is a little pocket in there) so he has to make them all folded. But when I did carry cash, I would just have them unfolded in my wallet.  

  3. i'm really picky. i like to put them in order of value and all facing the same way. it bugs when it's upside down or something.  

  4. i am a stuffer!!!

  5. i fold it neatly, heads all in the same way, etc.  I figured if i respect my money, i will have more of it! hey it seems to be working so far!  lol!

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