
Do you follow your gut instinct ?

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Do you follow your gut instinct ?




  1. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  "Gut instinct" refers to intuition, a right brain function.  It is meant to be balanced by the left-brain function of reason and logic.  Instinct is a gift and extremely helpful, but is an unstable and unreliable guide.  It's like giving a person directions on how to get to a place in the mountains in the form of a poem.  Nice, maybe pretty, maybe even profound, but not necessarily clear.  Intuition needs reason to be complete.

  2. i always do follow my gut instinct because it always right Huns. do what u thinks the best for u don't worry about anyone or anything  or  any one Else gut instinct is the best

  3. Most of the time (when i dont things go wrong but i'll probabaly never learn)

  4. I try to.

  5. Sometimes. But I hate when I don't and then I realize I should have. Grr..

  6. Most of the time.

  7. Usually I do, and it is normally right. Occasionally I fight against it and wish I hadn't!


  8. beneath the chatter of logic and reason...the deepest level of thought is silence of the mind...

    at this point...intuition becomes your guide...

  9. yer but sometimes it gets me in trouble...i tend to di a hole for my self .....what ends up to be a creator

  10. Usually i do.

    but sometimes i need to think things over.

    but even when I do, I usually end up going with my gut instinct

  11. yepperz,

    well im thinking right, lol


  12. yes always, and its never let me down yet.

  13. yes  u should because it is something that is letting u know what u should to do.

  14. ALWAYS. I think if you dont follow you feelings you always think what might have been. Whether it was right or wrong to follow you gut instinct, you will always know you done what you felt was right.

  15. I didn't always, and afterwards I wished I had. Many times it has literally saved my life.  Not listening to it has really screwed my life up.

  16. I do sometimes, i wish I would more.

    I often think "I should have followed my gut instinct on that".

  17. Not always, but I should.

  18. No I follow facts. Gut instinct is based on fear.

  19. yeah totally it has never let me down,

    good old gut feeling

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