
Do you forgive and forget,?

by  |  earlier

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or store it up for future reference ?




  1. Well i like to think i could but afraid its not as easy as it say's! I've tried in the past but these little things just keep popping up so!!!! or it depends on how big/bad/serious it was then take it from there!!

  2. definatley forgive but keep it in mind incase it comes up in the future

  3. Nope.

    Seek and Destroy!

  4. One must always forgive and forget. The Bible tells us that we should not even tithe if we have ill feelings towards anyone. If one has not been forgiven by you, then even your prayers will not be answered. What purpose would it serve to continue harboring a grudge against someone? It will only make you miserable as well.

  5. depends on the situation.

  6. I forgive, it depends on the severity of what that person has done. I don't think you should forget as it serves as a reminder, so that you know what to look for when people are messing you around. If you see what I mean.

  7. you forgive but you dont forget

  8. store it up for future reference... let the future unfold things. Meanwhile, we can only control our choices in the moment.

  9. i dont think anyone can ever forget what someones done, and the person who done it shouldnt ever expect them to neither, forgiving is hard enough,  forgetting is almost impossible. what annoys me is that some people will say they have forgiven some one, but yet years later they will bring it up, when it so obvious then that they havent forgiven anyone. They need to be honest about, you cannot blame someone for not being able to forgive or forget.

  10. if you spend your full live forgiving they are goin to walk throught you and you will spend your life living in your knews better take some action and pride, figthing back is not revange but is justice and consequenses

  11. I always forgive, but I never forget.

  12. I am alway ready to forgive but will not forget because of my good memory.

  13. It depends on what they did to me.If it's a small problem,then yes but if they did something REALLY bad to me,then I won't forgive and forget.

  14. I guess it would depend on what the severety of the crime was, sometimes friends just totally double cross you, and sometimes I do let it build up for future refrence!

  15. forgive but dont forget

  16. it does depend on the situation

  17. forgive and 4get.......................or

    dont forgive and dont forget.......or

    4give and dont 4get.................or

    dont 4give or 4get...................or

    *****choose one of 'em

  18. I forgive and not necessarily forget, probably to often.....

  19. i forgive but dont forget and if people fall out with me too much or say bad things, i will remember and if they do it again i wont forgive.

  20. Oh, the classic response to friends:  

    "If you utter so much as one syllable,


    If you want to fax me, press the star key" The Grinch, but can I say all three

    (forgive / forget / store it up) but on different occasions & for different purposes.

  21. I always forgive but i never forget - i do store things up in the back of my mind so they can be used any time i need them! And if you're nice - nothing bad can ever be said about you!

  22. hello there ☺

    "it is easy to forgive but it is hard to forget."

    nobody forgives and forgets.the memory sticks to the mind no matter what you are bound to remember what that person has done.and the anger on that person may sum up for future may not control yourself.

    it is better to TRY to forget and forgive.trying always lessens the emotion in stored in the mind...

    have a nice day!  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â¼

  23. good question....well.

    i do neither..cos i cant. if someone seriously hurts me (emotionally)...then then i cant truly forgive them. i might try to, but more often then not....i cant. and as for forgetting?....well its not something that u can easily forget now is it?...

    i have never ever understood why ppl treat others the wy they do..and then expect us to forgive and forget...............

    forgive and forget they can hurt us again?  and again? and again?

    nah..ppl should take responsibility for their words and their actions...and not expect others to clean their conscience for them.....

    (dont i sound like a real bag of laughs today? i am really, but there ar times ..when enough is certainly enough)

  24. Forgive but not forget..After you have forgiven somebody, the relationship you had with him or her will never be the same.

  25. forgive but a women NEVER forgets

  26. forgive but never forget

  27. Well you can never actually 4get cause it just sits in the back of your head...

    But i just try to let it go and move on, depending on the situation

  28. I may forgive, but I never forget.

  29. You can forgive but you never forget. You also need to talk about what went wrong so you don't store it up for future reference.

    Source: Me from experience.

  30. i usually hold a grudge if it really bothers me, though I would probably pretend to forgive and forget.

    ideally, people would forgive but NOT forget.

    holding a grudge is only bad for yourself.

    remembering can make u wiser.  

  31. it  depends  on  the  nature  of  the  thing  that to be forget or fogive .

    this is  a serious question when it comes  to  what Janpan had done during the second world war .but i am sure the chinese people would choose  neither .

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