
Do you gain weight during your period?

by  |  earlier

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i just got my period, due to the birth control (tri-cyclen lo) that i'm now taking. i haven't had a period in 2 years, so i sort of forgot about the increase in appetite and bloating. but i've been eating more for the past few days, and i'm positive it's because i just got my period. my mom says that she sometimes gains weight during her period, but when it's over, she loses the weight again. she said it has to do with all the blood and fluid build up, and that's also why you become bloated. is this true? and if you gain weight during your period, how many pounds?




  1. yeah all the time!!!

    i gain usually from 3 lbs to 10 lbs..

  2. I have never paid attention if i have or not. But i think so.

  3. not that i know of. i've never heard of wheight gain during a period, no matter what the circumstances. but if you're worried, call your doctor for his/her opinion.

  4. i think so?

  5. hey! Oh my gosh, I just noticed it today!  Yesterday my stomach was like flat and today its like bigger then usual. Ive probably gained like 3-7 pounds. I don't remember this ever happening before though, maybe its a new symptom. I've noticed as the years go by new things happen when I get my period, so i think weight gain is another normal one.  

  6. I gain weight, but I think it's mostly water weight.  I get reeeeeeeally bloated.  It's not actually fat weight, but your mom is right, it's just water retention.  

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