
Do you generally get enough sleep?

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Hi LeeLee--I have 4 kids,and I remember those days when they were young.Not easy.But now 3 of mine are teens and there is NOTHING worse than losing sleep by waiting up for them to get home at night.*sigh*




  1. No. I have 3 children. (and a very sore foot at the moment).

  2. during school time no....:-s, only 11 days before school, here it starts on the 15th, so bye bye wonder full summer sleep

  3. No, I cant get a full nights sleep to save my life, I'm growing bags under my eyes to prove it.  Every night, I wake up several times, either by someone else waking me up, or by my own body waking me up.

    I'm expecting to some time soon just crash.  cause I cant handle it,

    plus i'm under a lot of stress, and that doesn't help my sleep situation either.  Someone help

  4. Not really. I might sleep for 14 hrs. & STILL feel sleep-deprived. Might be my meds.

  5. No I try but fail  

  6. Nope. I've never woken up from a sleep feeling refreshed, always tired : (

    and my addiction to yahoo means I'm having even less sleep! lol

  7. Yes :D  

  8. Nope. I'm a night owl, then I have to wake up early in the morning. I Drink a glass of orange juice and I'm good to go :)  

  9. well i go sleep atlike 22:45 and wake up 7:30 on school day so i only get 8 hours not the 10 ur ment 2 get but in a weekend ill get like 10/11 and then b lazy the rest of the day


    but then im still tiredd :(


  10. generally yes, I aim for 8 hours a night

  11. Generally NO.

  12. More than enough, yes.

  13. I don`t know if I get enough or not, What is sleep please ?

  14. Na never have done, worse now with this site lol :)

  15. No, usually I don't. I can't get to sleep until after 12 and then I have to get up to go to school. On Saturdays I do, because I can sleep late and get all that extra rest. Generally, no.

  16. I was sooooo tired this morning I almost cried when my alarm went off for the 6th time but I'm hoping to catch up on it this weekend.  :D

  17. Nowhere near - I need to wake up at 6:50am tomorrow, I should be in bed by now.

  18. I probably get enough - just not as much as I would like.

    I'm a right lazy moo me - I think I must be part cat!

  19. Generally yes, but if i have something on my mind, sleeping does not come well

  20. whats sleep, when you have young kids lol

  21. No - hardley ever

  22. No I need far more than I get,but have too much to do..

  23. No. I'd need at least 3 more hours every morning to feel right, but I can never get it.

  24. could always do with a lil more ,

    Evening MB x

  25. I go to bed when I know that I will sleep, nothing worse than lying there thinking!!!

  26. no not really i really dont keep track of the time cause im always watching a movie or tv show.

  27. Never...

    To function i need about 10 hours..

    I usually get 7

  28. No, cigars effect :(. Only 2 or 3 a day

  29. I never get enough sleep.  I have been diagnosed as a chronic insomniac, I have to take sleeping pills or drink alcohol in order to fall asleep, even then I don't sleep more than 6 hours, and that is broken sleep.

  30. Yeah,school didn't start yet! But once it does,I'm sure I won't get enough sleep anymore =]

  31. Yeah, I usually sleep 8 hours...

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