
Do you get a mellow buzz from alchohol or a violent one?

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what do you like to drink in this summer season?




  1. i drink a weee bit then laugh for ages...then i drink more and start crying!!...add more to that then im sober!!

  2. Always mellow.  I normally just drink red wine.

  3. Salutations,

    This is a great question for me. I like Beer and Brandy, and for Beer, the darker stronger stuff. but I always try not to drink too much, as I am a Non-medicated Epileptic. I have not had a major seizure in almost 10 years, but when I have more than a beer and a shot in 1 night, my head starts to feel like it does when I come out of a siezure. And who wants to pay to feel like that? cheers

  4. I get loud and a smooth buzz. I prefer a white zin for the summer months

  5. that depends on what is going on inside of you so that can change.  if you get a mellow buzz you are really mellow and if you get a mean one you are really mean.  

    i like daquiris.

  6. mellow. I Like bacardi and coke and on holidays to hot countries I like cocktails with a lil umbrella ;)

  7. usually a nice mellow buzz, although I cannot drink bourbon because it does in fact make me angry

    I really don't give a c**p if Im a guy Margaritas are awesome, if I dont have them I go straight for the vodka or a tall glass of bud

  8. both,depends on my mood that day

  9. i have NEVER been violent through drinking

    i have been violent w/out drinking

    but im always a happy carefree drunk

    i will befriend anyone in a drunken stage of mind

    i love the world..far different than who i am sober

    alot of people like me better when i have my buzz on




  10. beer = always mellow

    alcohol = who the h**l knows what i will become

    im a beer girl but i like the fruity frozen drinks during the summer

  11. Melloooowwwwww

    Beer. Crafted oak-barrel aged ales

               Nicely brewed Pils

    Scotch (sometimes)

    Last summer made fresh lemon-limeade with bourbon. Just a hint of sweetness added soooo nice on a hot day.

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