
Do you get a sickness if you force your body to vomit? ?

by  |  earlier

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I tried it one time and now i have bumps in my tongue and my throat hurts! i hope that doesnt mean something bad! DOES IT?




  1. Your symptoms are the result of an acid burn, because your stomach is filled with hydrochloric acid. It also weakens your teeth's enamel and will cause tooth decay. And yes, bulimia is a sickness, so I'd say it does cause a sickness.  

  2. u r so wierd

  3. this is the start of bulimia -- it will rot your teeth [the stomach acid] and eventually kill you

    please please please ♥ do not do it again

  4. One time will not cause a problem. Your throat is probably sore because it hurts to throw up. That's pretty natural. Stomach acid is suppose to stay in the stomach and it can be irritating.

    However, if you continue to make yourself throw up, eventually your body will respond like that normally to food. You will loose the control to keep things down. At this time the stomach acid will really eat away at your throat and if you don't go through treatment to stop this from happening, you will eventually rupture something in your digestive tract and bleed to death. This is not a pretty way to die.

    It is advisable to never do this again on purpose. If you throw up because of an illness and your body causes you to throw up, you will not likely get the bleeding. It's when people cause themselves to throw up to loose weight and it becomes habitual that you risk bleeding to death.

  5. i do it whenever &ive never had tht happn. its prolly jus irritation, like a rash. ur not dying

  6. You have AIDS

  7. Yes, bulimia will cause side affects. It can do anything to your body from malnutrition to making your teeth rot.

  8. You are dying.

  9. Yes, it's called bulimia. It can cause lots of adverse side affects, from poor nutrition to rotting your teeth.

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