
Do you get allot of flatulence when pregnant an/or is it a pregnancy symptom?

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Do you get allot of flatulence when pregnant an/or is it a pregnancy symptom?




  1. Im 13 weeks and 3 days and very gassy I dont mean to be funny but I bet you I could blow my partner right out of the bed..... No matter what I eat I have gas its not bought on my any certain type of food or anything.  

  2. Yes it is a symptom. With my first it wasn't really a problem, but with my second, it was horrible!

  3. It's a symptom alright. It started happening to me at about 22 weeks along.

  4. you sure to get it.

  5. I am due today and still have gas, lol. Yeah, it's very common.  

  6. Yes, it's normal.  With my daugter I had a lot of flatulence.  With this one I'm having a lot of belching.

  7. After 3 to 4 months you start feeling them. Well Good Luck

  8. Yes it is a symptom. It usually doesn't start until later in the pregnancy. But most pregnant are very gassy.  

  9. I am having that problem right  now with my pregnancy.  If you are having pains from the gas, buy rolaids that are for gas pressure.  They help a lot!!!  In the past week I've  only had to take rolaids like twice and they've helped.  They help move the air pockets a lot so at least you are not in pain.

    Good luck!  :-)

    ps my husband doesn't really like it either lol but everybody has gas sometimes

  10. i got loads of bad gas pain in the first four months! my poor hubby was not impressed. now at the end im getting a little but no where near as bad as the first bit when it actually hurt my tummy! x

  11. My pregnancies never caused this problem for me.

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