
Do you get along with people who have their Sun in the same position as your Moon?

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Or, like me, do you have a natural instinct to pull back away from them because they represent your dark side? I have moon in Scorpio, so I understand Scorpio on a very personal level, yet I back away from them at the same time. Perhaps it's because my "poison" is Scorpio and I have all their negative aspects as part of my moon? What do you think, and do you have the same desire to step away from people that have their sun in your moon sign? Or, do you feel drawn to them? Opinions? Thoughts? Thanks!




  1. Yes, my closest friends have always been Aquarians. My dark side is fun to hang with.  

  2. I think that I can relate to them more because my moon is in their sun. Just my opinion though. I don't ever feel like I should pull away. I guess because I have a Libra moon. Libra are always trying to make sense of things, balancing out their options. I don't necessarily feel drawn to the either. I just understand them and like their company.


    Sun: Virgo

    Moon: Libra

  3. Haha cool.."you dark side" =D But to answer your question..sometimes. My moon is in Libra. I've met a few types of Libras..the two main types are fun to be with and chatty The other I find stuffy and dull when I'm around them. I'm not saying all Libras are like this of course, just from Libras I know and can remember right now. I don't feel drawn to them, hmm I can't really explain why though. Maybe they just seem so nice..ok that sounded a bit odd but it's the Sometimes I can be on the wiiiiiiild side and sometimes I can just want to be alone and lock myself in a 400 foot castle and watch movies all day..I'm an extremist and I know it. So that might freak a Libra out..JK JK =)

  4. My 2 closest friends are Taurus and that's my moon sign.  I seem to understand them and they understand me better.  

    I hear what you are saying about moon in scorpio though.  I might be the same way if my moon was in scorpio too.

  5. Yes and no. I get on with gemini, but just on a superficial level. Just like I would be talking to customers if I'd be selling stuff or someone on the phone. I don't exactly back away from them and I'm certainly not scared of them, I just don't have a desire to know them on a deeper level. I don't feel gemini in general has much to offer to me.

    Perhaps that's just because the rest of my planets are on the other side of my chart. More planets in those signs equals more to offer from those signs. That's what I think, anyway.

  6. Yes I get along with Scorpios very well ... I don't know many of them but all that i know are pretty good people .. loyal and sympathetic.

    Virgo sun / Moon in Scorpio

  7. I'm actually very drawn to Scorpios because they embody everything I'm not. They're dark, moody, secretive, often s**y, passionate, and intense. They seem cool and can read people well. Though internally, my moon is very much like that, my external is so very, very opposite. I admire someone who carries those traits. Perhaps it's because I long to show the internal part of me, I don't know.

    But I will say that I would never, ever enter a relationship with a Scorpio who totally embodied his or her sign. Too much possesive intensity for me... it would be intimidating and slightly scary. I need to be able to read my partners. And because I'm very familiar with the more negative moon-Scorpio aspects of me, I don't quite trust sun-Scorpios with my heart. Too risky.

    So, I admire them from afar. I suppose they pull and push me at equal measure.

  8. Yeah I do...I have notice they are a lot like myself...well the way they express themself..their emotions..everytime I see a Pisces person I always find myself comparing their traits to see if we have any similarities.

  9. I just try to get along with everyone.

  10. yessss!!!!!

    i love sagitarius!!!!;...

  11. Hi Marina,

    I can see that maybe being the case with Scorpios, and especially if all the aspects to your moon are difficult. I think it would be quite natural to pull back from what you perceive as the dark side.

    For me, no, I am drawn to Libra sun people - get along better with them than most other signs actually.  I feel comfortable around them.

    Sag sun / Libra moon

  12. Yes....I always seem to be drawn to Scorpios...though I am very cautious of them at the same time. I have met a few duds, so I know what their negative qualities are capable of....

    Sun in Sagittarius

    Moon in Scorpio

  13. good question.

    I was surprised when I found out where my moon was, since those of that sign and I seem to clash the most.



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