
Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.?

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Do you get annoyed when other people display bad manners? Give some examples.?




  1. Yes. Chewing with your mouth open is both visually disgusting and audibly disgusting. I cannot eat around people who chew with their mouths open.

    Pet peeve - people biting on utensils. Example: biting your spoon when eating Ice Cream (not like 'ow, I bit my spoon.')

  2. You mean like the people that never seem to say please or thank you or your welcome.  Or how about those that sit at the table and pick their nose and burp.

  3. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people in a public place are oblivious to the people around them. Example: two friends meet in a store pushing shopping carts in opposite directions in the aisle. They stop dead and start catching up with each other right there, thus effectively blocking passage to anyone behind them. Another; someone is comparing brands of the same item. Rather than get one of each and step back to read labels, they stand right in front of the item, blocking access for others.

    This really burns me up.

  4. When people f**t or burp obnoxiously in public and don't even say excuse me. When my boyfriend cusses in public sometimes embarrass me. When I operated the phone and cash register at a pizza place and people just thought of me as a little servant girl and didn't show gratuity at all or kindness

    person below me reminded me I also hate it when people chew with their mouth open. I cannot stand the sound of people chewing either. *squish squish*

    How about when people pick their nose AND WIPE IT ON YOUR STUFF!!! Like your bed or couch

  5. Yes! It's not hard to behave, but people seem to almost insist on having bad manners.

    I hate when people spit or burp in public, and I can't imagine when it became hard to say "please" and "thank you"!

  6. of course I do, especially when men are rude. The examples are quite the usual ones: lack of kindness, bad words, dirty glances and slanders when they cannot get what they are looking for , always.

  7. I will give you an example. I used to date this guy. Whenever we went out to eat and I did not like the taste of something I would discreetly spit it in my napkin. (I made it look like I was just wiping my mouth) He thought it was disgusting. But he would burp and f**t at the table and saw nothing wrong with that. It really annoyed me.

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