
Do you get annoyed when people compare their children to yours?

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Normally I don't notice or care, but in the case of BIL's wife, it is a little irritating. She always asks me about my daughters milestone ages etc and then says it looks like her son is going to do it earlier. I think I just feel this way because I have a problem with this woman (I can't help it I think she's a snob). Does it annoy you?




  1. i do get annoyed if they are trying to compete, but if they are just currious or trying to check milestones of there kids im fine with that and i do it too.

    but if i knw my child is a head i try not to mention it unless the person is trying to show me up, or critisizing my parenting skills then i show them up b/c my son i usually ahead of the game. lol


  3. i get annoyed when my mom compares me with other children!

  4. My best friends sister in law was pregnant at the same time as me and she was like this the whole way through the pregnancy.  Her mum is a health visitor and because of this she thinks she knows everything.  I did certain things during the pregnancy and she would say how silly it was (from the woman who smoked through her pregnancy).  Later when the kids were born she and her boyfriend would always say what their little girl was doing and  . . .guess what- it was always better than what my son was doing.  I ended up avoiding her as much as i could because it got to the stage where i could have happily slapped her in the face!  Im proud of my son and he is actually really bright and smiled early, walked early and is lovely and sociable.  He cant write his name as well as their daughter can but i really dont care because physically he is really agile and he is good at making things rather than writing and other skills like that.

    I think that if you told this woman off for how she behaves then she would stop doing it so much.  I know it can make things awkward temporarily but if she annoys you that much then it will be well worth it!

    Good luck anyway x

  5. It does annoy me yes, but you'll find that when you have a second child you will do a lot of comparing yourself. It's natural to want to compare your childs development with others of a similar age (most of us keep our judgements to ourselves though!)

  6. yes i have a friend exactly the same she is a first time mum and i am a mum of 2 it drives me mad she not only does she compare her child 2 my 2 she thinks she knows everything the funny thing is her baby is only 3 monts old  

  7. people find all kinds of ways to re-assure themselves that they are "better".. dont worry its her insecurities manifesting- just ignore her. or take it as a compliment! obviously she must feel threatened by you to feel the need to prove something- or, if you're like me & you dont feel shy about putting someone in their place then you might say, "if you're really concerned with the development of your children you might want to avoid comparing their progress with others as everything is relative & it could end up leaving you & them feeling very disappointed"

  8. yes it makes me so annoyed, when they think they are better than you just because of there children. dont worry all children are great. stuff her

  9. that would annoy me......i hate when people ask if my 2 year old is potty trained and say "well mine is and she's only one and a half" or when people ask me does she do this or that yet. Every child is different and will do things in their own time.  We mom's have pride in our children so yes, those situations are probably annoying for a lot of mommies :)

  10. Its incredibly annoying when its done in a competitive way. But all children are different and do things at different ages so you will get your chance to give her a taste of her own medicine when her son does something later than your daughter. Alternatively you could just tell her you can't remember and it doesn't matter anyway because they all do it at some point, whether it be sleeping through, walking, talking, whatever.

  11. Yes. My Asian parents do it all the time. They compare me to someone else and nag me about it all the time.

  12. yes and no matter what they always have to top yours; so i just change the subject. just cut them off as soon as it starts and nip it in the bud, they will go and find another victim.  

  13. I agree, people don't realize how annoying that is!! it's like when your pregnant and people touch your belly!!!

  14. Heck i would be more annoyed if my children compared me to the parents of their friends.   Otherwise, no not really.  Just like i don't care if my brother gets a nicer house or car or fancy job.

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