
Do you get chills when watching shows on the paranormal?

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Like discovery channel shows on paranormal phenomena, psychic kids or even paranormal state? I always get the chills multiple times while watching, what is up with that?




  1. I watch ghost shows..yes they freak me out..

    I remember when The X-Files was older sister loved that TERRIFIED me (I was young at the time..)!


  2. Yes I get the creepies when I watch paranormal shows.

  3. Wow yes.  I was just asking myself the same question last night when watching a few of these shows.  I personally dont know why we do it.  I also get the goosbumps when theres a heart touching song on and sometimes when theres a spirit around me.  So maybe its a connection we have with some things.  You should research it.  God bless.

  4. I rarely get chills when watching shows on the paranormal. It's possible that I've become desensitized. I think the chills are part of a natural defense mechanism reacting to something unfamiliar and potentially dangerous. Of course some of the cheesier shows try to scare you on purpose, but that will wear off soon.

    Then again, you may be psychic and you're making some sort of connection when you're watching shows on the paranormal. What do you think?

  5. Only if its real.  I have an internal paranormal lie detector.

  6. no, because i love paranormal stuffs and believe in them even though it might feel stupid. but if it is too scary then it would give me the chills.

  7. Can't say that I do because I know shows like "A Haunting" on the Discovery channel embellish the stories.

    I get chills when people sing, and maybe that's more because of the note they sang that resonates causing goosebumps.

  8. I get chills when I think of how many people out there believe that c**p.

  9. I usually laugh, and think funny.

    I never get chills, because I have a good "c**p detector" that goes off everytime I see these things.

    Trust me, all of it is a bunch of baloney.  Don't be gullible.

  10. Yes I always do. I usually get the chills when I am watching A Haunting because they always show the spirits haunting the home and sometimes it kind of makes me jump! I get the chills during Paranormal State [speaking of Paranormal State that is on tonight, yeah] usually when they listen to the EVP!

  11. Nope, no chills. I just kind of chuckle a little bit :)

    (I do get the munchies though)

  12. Sometimes. What is up with that........ any unknown and unexpected thing can frighten you.

  13. I did once when watching Psychic Kids. This girl and her mom were driving to the location where all the kids were going to meet. I guess the night before, the girl had a dream about what the building looked like, and on the way there, she drew a picture of it. When they got to the location, the picture and the place looked EXACTLY the same. It was so creepy.

  14. I get the chills at unusual times, sometimes when I am am watching a show like that..but not often.  Sometimes its just out of the blue, when its not cold or anything like that.  I have heard that if there is a spirit around a person they get the chills.  I really do not know if that is true though.  But every time I get the chills in unusual moments (when its not cold or I am not scared, etc) that is what I think of.

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