
Do you get confused as being a different race than you are?

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Does it annoy you?




  1. not at all i think were really lucky to be australian I'm really proud to be my other half is lebanese i used to get told i look italian or french i found it quite amusing

  2. I am coloured (not as in African/American) but Coloured, which is a race in South Africa and people often think I am Indian or Muslim (which has to do with the religion Islam - won't even go there). But I have been told I look like I'm from Brazil or Mauritius. Doesn't necessarily bother or annoy me, but I am proud to be who I am and where I'm from.

  3. sometimes especially whenever i encounter foreigners saying that i'm not one of people here. also i get several comments from people here saying about my different look. being half-spanish i got some mediterranean features that some say i look indian while others say i look hispanic, very rare do i get comments that i look filipino.

  4. yeah all the time! its really annoying because I'm half black half white, so i have tan skin, alot of the time i'm mistaken for hispanic, or north african. its really annoying as i said though, cant really blame people though. im treated differently based on what people think. like this one person i met was kind of rude to me (he thought i was hispanic) but once i told i was black and white he treated me nicer. messed up

  5. yes. i get eveything from chinese to indian to hispanic

  6. Yes. I get that sometimes, depending on which country I'm in at the time. It annoys me that people assume I can't speak chinese.

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