
Do you get frustrated with the report monkeys?

by  |  earlier

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for reporting answers and questions just because they can or do you get more frustrated with YA for not having a better system in place to check and make sure that the questions actually violate any terms?

I think if a question is reported it should cost the person who reported it 10 points. If it does violate terms then they can get their points back but if it doesn't violate any terms then they should lose the points plus 10 more for being so absurd.

I don't think its fair that it costs me points to defend a question on the proper way to spell your or you're which obviously did not violate the terms in anyway.

I don't get upset very easily and I'm not always bothered by getting reported but this time it was totally ridiculous.

Spiritually speaking of course for the R&S category.




  1. I feel your pain...

    Lets go report monkey hunting....

  2. No, I don't agree I'm afraid.

    Why should it cost 10 points to report someone with a genuine complaint?

    Not only Trolls report, sometimes answers are very, very offensive

  3. Funnily enough...

    they report my questions that were totally harmless and insult-free

    and leave my troll questions hanging in R&S...

  4. it's frustrating only if you're a target.

    yahoo sucks... but to be fair, most questions in this category violate the guidelines.

  5. Yeah, I've gotten some moronic violations.  

    I wish we had a website somewhere that had links to reported and proven "report monkeys".

  6. I've gotten reported just because I disagree with someone else's opinion. I think if someone reports a post, their ID should be shown as well. That would cut down a lot of the bogus 'monkey' reporting.

  7. Do I get frustrated, not at all. Almost every day my questions get deleted because I am not a Christian. I really can't think of any other reason. I don't swear, don't make assumptions without research. I mean I speak my mind, and am Atheist. But do I care what a handful of random people I will never meet think of me, ah that is a resounding 'no'.

    *is there actually a reason for yahoo points, I always thought they were just useless, can you actually use them for something?

  8. Naa..I just curse them. boils usually.

  9. If you get reported because of your spelling, then that means you should work on it.

    People only report things because it needs to be reported.

  10. Its an internet message board... if something on here frustrated me I would quickly unplug my computer and go outside and get some fresh air.

  11. I always get reported by the Wiccans. I don't understand why they just don't conjure up some spell and put a curse on me, but nooooo report report, report.

  12. report monkeys usually are bigots, zealot christians who can't stand any opinion which doesn't suit their 'beliefs' and then cowardly press the button, this kind of attitude it's the same as throwing the stone and hiding the hand... they usually report you with stupid arguments like chatting, or 'not a question or answer', but by the other side, the stuff which is really chatting and usually is not reported, is the 'prayers request', those stuff is not a question nor answer, so, why don't they report that bs? well, since they are the majority, you can't do too much about it, just enjoy the show while it lasts...

  13. I don't get usually get reported, but that could be because I don't intentionally offend people, or question their intelligence based on their beliefs.

  14. I like your suggestion.

    I also think that repeated fraudulent reports should result in the loss of report ability.

    Report monkeys don't want this, though.  It gives them a sense of power to be able to make something they don't like go away.

    I used to get frustrated...  mostly because I have never received an explanation for the deletions...  just a form email <or two, or three>  Not once have they ever responded to a specific question in my appeal...  meaning humans aren't actually reading the appeals.

    Now...  if it continues to happen, <and it will get more difficult...  because I'm getting better at saying what I want to say without violating the vague TOS> and I eventually get my account deleted, I will just go away.  

    The part that bothers me most is that the only section I have ever been "violated" in is R&S.  Somehow...  it doesn't make sense to me...  and shouldn't to the TOS GODS...  that a top contributor who answers in many, many catagories...  would just "forget" the rules in R&S.  When a HUMAN from Y!A can explain this to me, then I will be less frustrated.

    Getting a straight answer from Y!A is a lot like getting an answer from God.  

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