
Do you get good money working in America?

by Guest58746  |  earlier

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Do you get good money working in America?




  1. Some people do and some people don't. It depends on what your profession is.

  2. psh no. ever heard of minimum wage? lol

  3. No, not really.  But, the cost of living tends to be cheaper in the U.S. than other parts of the world (of course this depends on the city and state).  but it CAN be cheaper in Austin, TX than London for example.  You can get a really nice 3 bedroom house w/ a yard for around 600 euros a month!  But of course other cities are quite expensive.

    most people in the U.S. make on average 15-30 thousand euros a year.

  4. Nope.  Can't get a job despite 3 years of college and 7 years of Spanish study.

    Oh, and there are over 1 million homeless people in the United States.  Washington, D. C. and Portland, Oregon have huge homeless populations, as does New York City.  

    Minimum wage often means that many less skilled workers in the U. S. have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to afford rent, utilities, daycare for their kids, and a car payment.

  5. yeah it really depends on what kind of job you are looking at

    different skills, and different level of work you put in result in different pay


  6. it depends on wat job u do.

  7. yes if you get a good job, and you are willing to work very hard to get alot of money

  8. well America is the richest country in the world. so yes  even  our  poorest  of poor  are very well off compared to other countrys .but  this is more so if u havean education or  if you just get lucky.

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