Hm... where do i start..? well, theres the time i skipped the first period like 27 times.... missed 38 school days.... um beat this kid up, he was bleeding um... skipped about 43 periods.. hm... i set off stink bombs in all the schools washrooms, school smelled like ****, never found out it was me though (it took them 2 days to get the smell out im serious) hm well i said a few racist comments i got in trouble for.... um lets see i called a teacher a r****d... told my gf to wear a super-short skirt... it was awesome but she got in trouble not me (that has nothing to do with it really but yea... lol) uh idk about 4 other fights, 1 serious uh hm idk anymore... lol can anyone top me? xD (i still mananged to pull of a high-B avg lol, had a few A's in my core subjects lol.