
Do you get irritated by people who invade your space?

by  |  earlier

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Like when you are standing in a queue at the supermarket, going through your wallet and this idiot is just about standing on top of you, constantly bumping you - while he/she is talking to their friends.

Other times coughing in your area - sometimes without even covering their mouths.

It irritates the living h**l out of me.

This has happened many times to me and I have found that I can't really do anything about it as when I ask these guys to give me some space - I get blank stares. Once the guy played the race card and said that I only said it cos he was black. That's besides the point. How can I handle these situations - when there is 1.) A communication Gap, 2.) The chance that I could really offend the guy / girl?




  1. I'm also quite the door mat as I expereince stuff like that a lot as well. I've begun to turn around and give an evil look. Then I curse in my head 'til it aches. I was in a taxi the other day when two girls were chatting, one next to me and the other behind me, it was all cramped up but she still forced to turn so she could chat with her buddy. I took out my phone, called a friend and laughed (plus talked) so loudly they had to keep quiet as the couldnt hear each other anymore.... I think that was fair. If you cant beat em, join 'em and only to irritate them...

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