
Do you get mad, get even, or let it go?

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Do you get mad, get even, or let it go?




  1. 2 of the 3. i get mad. i let it run it's course(which may include saying a thing or two), then let it go.  it takes too much energy to plan the revenge of the bittersweet getting even.  not my cup of tea, and a game better played by the immature.

  2. I get mad but I have to left it go. There is no reason to try and change the offending person, you can not change their mind. Remember what goes around comes around. Know the universe has it's own ways to balance. I have to philosophies.

    1st - You can no teach pigs to sing. It is a waste of t your time & annoys the pigs.

    2nd - Treat life like a dog. It you can't eat it or s***w it. p**s on it & walk away.

    Smile more, it confuses you enemies.  

  3. Yes, I do, in that order...

  4. First I get mad, get even, let it go, then get mad again because the person i got even at got even at ME, and then, the cycle starts all over again.

  5. I try to let things go, but if someone keep pushing the issues I get mad. When I get like that then i got to pray for forgiven.  

  6. My initial rather short-lived reaction is to get mad. Then I let it go…life is too short to hold onto rage. I never get even!!!.

  7. i follow the same order quite often

  8. let it be

  9. I vent and then let it go.

    Getting even is a waste or energy and getting mad only makes me feel worse.

  10. I prefer to keep calm....and let it go....

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