
Do you get mad when someone says you look like someone or someone looks like you?

by Guest62819  |  earlier

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I know I do. It's my pet peeve.




  1. If someone tells me that I look like an ugly person, then yes I get mad, but if its a "pretty person" I think its okay.

  2. No, usually it's a compliment. If it bothers you that much just say No, so and so looks like me!

  3. when they'r antohe race or s*x

  4. People say I look like my mom all of the time.. Random people like, in the store. It gets on my nerves to be honest. :/

  5. it depends on who it is. if someone says i look like someone i dislike i get mad, but if it was a celeb (drew berrymore has been said a few times, i dont know why) i take it as a complement  

  6. yes..if i think therye ugly

  7. no not at all i think your alone on that one

    answer this one::;...

  8. Providing the person they say I look like doesn't look ugly. If they're really pretty or something, then I take it as a compliment

  9. uh depends on if tha person is ugly or not lolzz

    i dont mind it happens 2 me all the time

    anser plzz

  10. Kind of.

  11. no i dont get mad. just as long as they arent ugly.

  12. yes. espieceally when theyre ugly. lol

  13. I'm always told I look like my mom which kind of annoys me. I was okay with it at first, but when you hear it over and over it gets really annoying.

  14. Yes I used to always get confused with some girl and the two of us didnt get along so it sucked

    everyone said we looked alike but I didn't think so  

  15. depends on if the person is ugly or not

  16. I get very mad >:(

    I actually don't care if they're pretty or ugly I just hate being compared to people. My dad compares me to Angelina Jolie and I hate it.

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