
Do you get more sun while you'll in the pool/ocean or on land?

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While your in the water do you get more sun?




  1. you get the most sun when you are on the water .... like on a raft .... but when you are wet you get the most

  2. i think you get more sun while in water because it reflects off the surface but i dont know for sure

  3. I will get more sun in ocean and land. The beach is nice.

    If you go to tropical places like Singapore , Malaysia .

  4. The water becuase the water reflects light when you are even under it... but the land soks it in. Unless you are on a tarred area, because black things attract sunlight.

  5. Yes you do. Pretty Much when your outside you get the same amound of sun. even if its cloudy, because the UV rays are so strong you get ALOT of sun.

  6. in the pool because the water reflects the light to all parts of your body.

  7. Yes it reflects off the surface.

  8. you get it by going on to itunes and righting dirty notes about your spanish teacher

  9. I think you get more sun around anything that reflects the sun's rays back. That could be water, white sand, or something like the salt flats in the desert. Ever seen those metal reflector things people used to tan themselves under their chin's while lounging around the pool in the fifty's and sixty's ?

  10. land all the way !!!!!!

  11. Land, I should imagine, when you're on walkabout, the wind spreads and waives over the skin.

  12. well, i always thought that in the water, the ripples, and floor and surface all reflected light as well as light penetrating into the water and getting on ur skin. So there was more light shown on you.

  13. Both

  14. In the pool.  The water reflects the sunlight back up at you so you're being hit with it twice.

  15. pool i barely ever get tan just lying in the sun but befor u go in the pool put on tanning lotion or sunscrean (sunscrean actully helps u get tan)

  16. i heard of this before too.. You actually get more sun when your by a pool or by water because the water reflects the light directly onto you while your still getting sun from above. If your in the water you'll get a little more sun then when dry, but you won't get as much as when your standing or laying beside it. You can get tanned anyway i guess so enjoy and during the summer don't worry about it because you'll get tanned anyhow that is if you go out enough.

    Don't forget spf 45!

  17. in the water because the water reflects the sun rays

  18. You get just as much sun wherever you are, however if you're in the water you also get the reflection of the sun, therefore it's like getting "more" sun.

  19. maybe land most of the  time your on it

  20. Well, water has a lower albedo than most substances, and it's also transparent. It depends on the albedo of the land, and the location, of course. Are we talking about Finland or Sumatra.

  21. water reflects light, so on water

  22. it feels like you get more in the pool/ocean. but really the sun is the same everywhere, but it is stronger the closer to the equator you are.

  23. water

  24. pool  for me

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